Winter, Spring and Winter Again

It has been a whirlwind week here at Lottarock. Emphasis on wind. It has been crazy windy this week, gust up to 45 mph, blowing over trees, blowing around anything that isn’t fastened down. And with today’s wind it is ushering in low temperatures of 12 degrees, and that isn’t including the windchill factor. So here is a quick look at my beautiful witch hazel that is in full bloom and looking just oh so nice, because tomorrow morning my guess is that it will be pretty toasted. Those lovely flowers do withstand the cold, just not 12 degree cold.

Isn’t she just beautiful?

Between gale force winds, we have had some amazingly warm days that have melted lots of snow. The flower beds are still covered in snow, but the edges of the garden areas, where the daffodils and tulips have been planted are all open, and if you look closely, you will see green daffodil shoots poking through the mulch. No action on the tulip beds, but I have only just taken off the Christmas wreaths that I had put on when we had that warm spell back in January.

Daffs poking through with today’s snow squalls snow.

In the little greenhouse in cool seedlings are hardening off, (I need to cover them tonight), and the anemones and ranunculas are all hanging in. If you look closely, you will see the little ranuncs poking through. I have counted about 25 at the moment, not bad I reckon. I was thinking that they were going to be a total bust. At least I have growth so far. But as usual, time will tell. It is very exciting to see all this growth happening though.

Babies being hardened off, ready for planting.
Look hard for the ranuncs, also note the weeds growing so well.

This week will be spent getting ready for the first big seed push that happens in two weeks, but I need to sit down with the plot plan and figure amounts and where they are going. No, I haven’t done that yet. Hopefully those seedlings will be getting in the ground, and we will measure up for deer fencing because during the winter they nibbled off the flower buds of the lilacs. I certainly don’t need they noshing on my beautiful flowers when they start to come into production. You would think that I wouldn’t have deer with two dogs, and maybe they wee just doing walk through grazing but better be prepared.

I leave you with what is to come. Tulips from last May. Until next week. Allie


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