We have been busy bees

What a crazy week this last week has been. Seeding and transplanting in the greenhouse, making garden beds ready for flowers when the time comes to plant them out and the biggest achievement, cleaning out the tool shed because that is where you all will be coming to select your flowers when the time comes.

So here is a before photo that Steve took of the tool shed. It was a catch all for just about everything. It still has to be a tool shed, but we also store the donkeys’ feed and hay in there, plus the mower, plus everything one needs for gardening and farming. Lets just say that this project was a two day project and will be at least two trips to the dump on Wednesday.

What a mess. Mess, yes, but I knew where just about everything was. Now that it is all organized, by Steve, I hope I will be able to quickly find things. It certainly does look better though and now we will be able to walk through it. And, I have an open bench to use as a floral workstation.

Ta-Da! Isn’t it magnificent!

Back to flowers. Mother nature seems to be confused this April. We are having more winter like weather now in April that we did in March. And snow is in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow morning. Any of the daffodils that are at the gooseneck stage are going to be cut tonight. I just can’t take the chance that the snow will not flatten them. So keep you eyes open for a newsletter to let you know if I have enough for anyone on Tuesday.

The Anemones are slowly flowering, and the ranunculas are starting to bud. They aren’t showing color yet and if we get some nice days soon that might happen. The tulips are looking good and strong, and The sweet peas are looking very cold.

Here is this morning’s bouquet, and just think, soon, you to might have a bouquet to grace your table. That is if the weather cooperates and you have purchased your card (subscription).

Arrangement by Allie, Steve put on the bow.

Keep your eyes open for the newsletter. ‘Til next time. Allison

We are getting closer…

It seems as though this last weekend has been a day of snow, and day of mad working in the garden. I might have over done it a bit today. But since yesterday’s three inches of snow, I had a lot of make up time to do.

The flowers are coming in slowly. Honestly? I shouldn’t be surprised. It is still the middle of April and we are still getting “farmer’s snow” and for those of you who don’t know what farmer’s snow it is the last, or eventually last bits of snow that have nitrogen in it that is beneficial for the gardens. Enough. But then, I shouldn’t complain, look at what I have picked just before the last snow. I didn’t want them to get crushed by the heavy wet snow so I did what any gardener would have done. I picked them for inside. They are lovely.

OMG! look at the grey in the hair! No look at the beautiful flowers!

So speaking of said flowers, one might ask, why on earth would I buy daffodils from Flowers at Lottarock when I have them blooming in my own garden? And the answer is, you can have the best of both worlds. You can still have beautiful flowers in your garden to enjoy from your kitchen window or when you are out patrolling for signs of spring, or… you can use your subscriptions and buy beautiful, preconditioned flowers to grace your kitchen or living room and still have plenty in the garden.

The Anemones are s-l-o-w-l-y coming in…when I was shutting down the greenhouse I think I might have seen a flower bud on the ranuculas. Dare I say Holy Crap! This is exciting. More than I can tell you.

So stay posted. If you are interested in getting farm fresh flowers that are locally and sustainably grown, please sign up on the blog and the newsletter. The blog hosts think I am a dud because no-one new has signed up. I just think it is because I have already entered you all because I think you love flowers. But soon, I would like it if you just signed up and show me that you re interested. I know my friends that are far far away just want to see what this crazy girl is doing and that is fine, but if you are interested, please sign up for the blog and the newsletter. That way my web host won’t think I am such a loser.

So stay tuned for the newsletter. The flowers at this stage which will be coming out are posies, and small bunches, and as soon as I have enough I will put out a note in the newsletter letting you know what is up.

I thank you all, and until next week, or the next newsletter. Allison

Small, But Mighty

This could be our last fully sunny day for a few, according to the weather reports, so I have been taking full advantage of the slightly warmer temps, a slight breeze and getting things done in the gardens before the Black Flies emerge for the month of May. But since the saying is “April Showers Bring May Flowers” I really shouldn’t complain now should I.

They say, the great bloggers and instagramers of the internet world, to put you face out there, so here I am holding my first posy of the year that I have grown. It is small, but mighty and it makes me smile.

My first posy of the anemones, short, but so exciting!

Hopefully this will be the first of many flowers to be harvested. Sorry all, these flowers are for me. They do look awfully cute in a little vase though with some larch branches that are just starting to color up.

Little bouquet of just budding larch, chionodoxa and my first try of anemones.

The fragrant heirloom narcissus are budding like crazy. I have seen no flower buds at all on the ranunculus no matter how hard I look. The tulips are looking really good. It will be a few weeks at least until they bloom but am I looking forward to that. I planted some really cool varieties, some doubles, a lot of parrots and I am really excited to see them in bloom and not just catalog photos. The sweet peas that were planted out last week are looking good, the flower seedings are commencing nicely and we have now put electric netting around the flower gardens to keep out the dogs. They too love flowers but more love running through them than enjoying them for their beauty.

‘Til next week, Allison

First Sunday of April Happenings

Now that April is here and there is no snow, except the few farmers snow, things are really happening here at the farm. The soil is 42 degrees, warm enough to start getting the cool temperature plants into the ground, so drum roll please…the first batch of sweet peas are in!

Freshly planted sweet peas!

The next most exciting things happening at the farm is that I have two flower buds on the anemones! I know, it doesn’t sound like much to you I am sure, but I have nurtured these babies since November. I can not tell you how exciting this is for me.

Check it out!

Third but not last of the most exciting things is that the fragrant, heirloom narcissus are getting flower buds. If these are going to be as exciting as I hope they are, this fall I will plant many more.

Instead of just 25 of each variety I might do 100 if the wow factor is there

Those are just a few of the exciting things that are happening at Flowers-At-Lottarock. Seeding is continuing on, transplanting into cell pacs, spreading compost on the beds and mulching the paths. The second batch of sweet peas are just starting to germinate now so in another month they will be able to go out and join the others along with the stock and the larkspur. I am a happy gardener.

Flowers-at-Lottarock subscriptions are still available and can be purchased for $100. This gives you access to the “cut flower shop” on Tuesday afternoon and Friday mornings to purchase your ready made bouquets or bunches of cut flowers. The cards will act as a gift card, and when that balance is used up, another card can be purchased.

Also, if you know of anyone who you think would be interested, please pass the blog and website info to them. All flower lovers are welcome. It is a great Mothers Day gift, birthday or anniversary.

Until next week, Allison