What Happened to Spring?

Here I was lamenting how cold spring was and bam! Summer. Oh, it isn’t pretty. I mean it is stunningly beautiful, but the cool flowers are not happy. Not one bit. I have pulled all the tulips and they are safely enjoying the AC in the bulb room, all tucked in for open flower shed days. There are lots of amazing varieties to be had, from french tulips to stunning doubles to just out of this world colors.

Because if this heat, for the moment I will be having open shed days underneath the garage. All you will have to do is follow the sign and the driveway. That space is alot cooler than the flower shed is and I am doing everything I can to keep the flowers looking beautiful for you. I guess for the moment we will be the flower garage.

The heat is causing other problems as well. The ranunculus and anemones that were starting to look sooooo good, don’t like this heat at all. I have tacked of some light frost cloth to try to break the greenhouse getting so extremely hot, but with the ambient air at 85 degrees, it ain’t much, but it is some. Keep your fingers crossed that they will keep going and not decide to start to go dormant. On the other hand, the plants in the high tunnel are now going gang busters with the heat so go figure. A plant and growing technique for every season.

Trying to keep cool.

I am behind in the sowing and the transplanting. I have been holding down the fort while Steve is away and just lets say that there aren’t enough hours in the day. Or there are enough hours, but I am good for only a portion of them. Up at 5:30, in the garden by 5:45 trying to beat the heat and collapsing by 9:30 and still not getting everything done. Oh well. It will all eventually get done. Or not. The good news is that the first of the Icelandic poppies are starting to bloom and they don’t seem to mind the heat so the flowers continue.

First Icelandic Poppy

With the tulips all pulled I have let the dogs into the garden for rodent patrol, besides now tilling up the beds and aerating them, I have a very tired and dirty garden dog.

Taking a quick nap before the next patrol.

And I leave you with this weeks bouquet, with Mikey in repose. What a life.

Mikey in repose. What a life.

Until next week. Allie

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