Welcome October

Happy October 1st everybody, what a floral year it has been, and that is an understatement in many ways.

So, let’s get on with the exciting news. The tulips have been shipped and should be here this week. That is good because after a very sleepless night last Thursday wondering if I was even going to get tulips, they were scheduled to be shipped the week of the 25th, it came through on the 26th that they were enroute. Yay. And Phew. And Oh Crap! I had told you that because of the growing year they had in the Netherlands that many varieties were crop losses, and shortages, and fusarium, and I had no idea what I was going to get. Well, with some substitutions I got all the ones I wanted for forcing, and missing about five varieties missing for the ground ones. I went onto almost every tulip website looking for replacements, but man dear I would say 90% of them were sold out, but I did manage to find enough to make up the gap. Phew.

The holy crap part is they should all be in the cooler by the end of this week to make Valentine Day’s sales. That isn’t going to happen, but I will have tulips for sale, if no spanners are thrown into the works by mid February. So here is my question. Do any of you have time in the next weekend to help plant bulb crates? I am only asking an hour, because it is Dublin Art Tour Weekend, Wool Tour weekend, Football game weekend and foliage weekend, but a lot of bulb planting can happen in just an hour. If you can give me a hand just send me an email so I have an idea of treats to have. If you can’t don’t worry, I will be asking for help later in the month with the dahlias…This only having one truly functioning arm is a pain in the a**!.

It looks as though we are going to be in for a beautiful week this week so there will be plenty of flowers. The dahlias, celosia, zinnias, chrysanthemums are still going strong the pumpkins on a stick are showing color, and fall arrangements are the go. Tomorrow I plan to start playing with the dried flowers. No promises, but I am hoping to have some cool dried stuff avail by Friday, between tulip planting and everything else going on these days.

That being said, pay attention to the newsletter that will give you info on what is up in the flower shed and my call for help.

I will leave you with two images of flowers that went out this week. Enjoy.

So, until next week, may you enjoy our beautiful Indian Summer and flowers. Allie

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