Welcome 2021, and another year of exciting flowers

Here we are. 2021. I never thought it was going to happen but Yay! A new year, new flowers and new growing experiences. Everyone knows that flower gardening is never stagnent, but always changing, for the better or the worse, we are always kept on our toes.

To get you up to date, I know you have been waiting for this. The first batch of flower seeds have been ordered and delivered.

Batch one of seeds

Then I realized that I had more to order, more varieties that is, than what was in the catalog so another huge order has been placed. Two or more orders to different seed companies need to go in this week. The word out on the gardening street is that orders are extremely strong and seed is selling out fast. Chop chop. Get those orders in. Lesson learned on Jan 1. A online dahlia sale was to go live on Jan 1 at 9:00am. When I got to the computer at 11:30 am all had been sold. Chop Chop.

Speaking of dahlias, I checked on the ones I had in storage and I lost about six varieties. Damn. I don’t know if they were stored to wet but they have now been added to the compost pile. The rest of the tubers look good so far so I am keeping my eyes open and my fingers crossed. Don’t worry, I will still have plenty of dahlias come next summer. All is not lost.

I am hoping that the snow cover finally stays for the rest of the winter protecting the flower beds. All that beautiful snow we had before Christmas melted away on Christmas day. NOT a very nice present I must say. I just need to have the spring bulbs, peonies and perennials that all got planted in the fall covered. I did put leaves and bark mulch on top of everything before the ground froze, but snow cover is just an added insurance. On the good note, the pond down in the donkeys pasture is as full as I have seen it at this time of year so I should be going into spring with adequate water.

Now that the gardens are going to be as large as I think they are going to be, (Don’t laugh, that is the plan) I am going to work on making the gardens more sustainable. Lots of flowers are going to be added in the verges for pollinator’s, and lots of cover crops will be sown to build up the soils. My flower pixie is busy making potions to feed the plants with from what I have already growing on the property like comfrey, nettles and dandelions.

As you can see, I have a lot of exciting things happening on the farm already this winter so stay tuned. One thing I can say. It wont be boring.

Until next time. Allie

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