Week Six

You might be wondering at the title, well we are six weeks into the new year. Holy Moley. Normally I wouldn’t know this but I have been doing spread sheets for the seed sowing and crop planning and this is an easier way to keep track of the timing,(so they say) so, I am learning weeks. But can you imagine me doing spreed sheets? I didn’t think so.

My big news of the week! Week 5? Ta Da. I have a crate up bulbs blooming!

Look at those beauties!

The first bulb bloomed on my birthday, I couldn’t have had a better gift. Sorry Steve. Talk about psyched. This last week the rest of the crate has bloomed, so they are going back into the bulb cooler to hold until the next crate blooms, and I can see buds….

So. You know what this means….I WILL HAVE TULIPS FOR YOU FLOWER LOVERS! I am shouting it from the roof tops! I won’t have tons just yet but I will have tulips. If you let me know you are interested I will package them accordingly. If three of you show interest, then you will get good bunches. If sixty of you are interested, well them you all might get one or two each to make everyone happy. But know that there are plenty more on the way.

This week the temperatures seem to be getting more moderate, so the ranunculus and the next batch of tulips are going to be going into the greenhouse, with lots of protection. The tulips need more light, as do the ranunculus, and I need the space for seeding. That and our dog Jager thinks that the ranunculus corms are great things to play with, so we have taken a gate from the barn to block off the door to the dirty room to keep him out, but that makes life here more interesting because everything I need to do is on the other side of the gate Argh. So they have to go into the greenhouse, and all will be happier because it will be cooler and we will be warmer. I won’t have to open the door to vent the dirty room to keep it cool.

The days are getting longer, and the action is picking up. Still have lots of classes that I am doing, get the learning in while I have the time, but things are certainly picking up.

I leave you with a picture of moving the flowering crate into cool storage to hold it for you all on Friday.

Moving tulips with my helpers

So remember, if you are interested in tulips on Friday, make sure you let me know. The pick up area will be different, probably Main Street Cheese, but details will follow on Thursday.

I am looking forward to seeing you all, believe you me. Until then think flowers. Allie

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