Week 13 in the Growing Year.

Here we are at week 13. We are past the spring equinox and my how things have changed in just a week. It seems as though the plants are really starting to put on some growth. I know that you probably aren’t seeing the difference, but when you look at these photos, you can actually see green things now. Yes! Those little green specks in a post a few weeks back that you needed to see with a magnifying glass or have a really good imagination can easily see seen with the naked eye. Progress I say!

See. No magnifying glasses necessary.

The ranunculus in the greenhouse are three times this size! Estimated bloom date? For the greenhouse ones, Early May? High tunnel ones? GOK.

Another exciting thing happening is Shelly’s experiment. Shelly, who doesn’t have much sun at her house, asked if I could grow her a crate of tulips that she could put in the yard, almost in full bloom to give her joy, and impress all her friends with her gardening prowess. It was a last minute ask, but I planted up a crate of the last 3 or 4 bulbs that would have messed up my rows. Well, today Steve and I hauled it into the greenhouse….and Shelly, you might have solved my scheduling problem. We will see, I am taking notes, and when the start to show color you can have the crate to put in your garden.

Look at the growth, and being in the greenhouse….Think about the possibilities…

If Shelly’s experiment works, fingers crossed, It just might bridge the little gap between the forced tulips and the in-ground tulips. We will all just have to wait and see.

Like a mad woman, or maybe just slightly crazy, I have been making a list of plants that I need to get this year to round out my garden for available cuts to put in my bouquets and offerings. I am trying to be practical, but ya know…. not always possible, but, that being said, I really like what I have ordered. Hope I have space for everything. The month of May will be very telling here at Lottarock.

Where there is no snow, the daffodils and narcissus are emerging, it sill still be a while before they will be on the offering list, but but when they come…They are always so beautiful, cherry and fragrant. A win on all sides. Can hardly wait.

Meanwhile, seeding continues. The Icelandic poppies will get planted out this week along with the second batch of stock. Everything else I have seeded is waiting for the snow to melt so I can get the beds prepped and planted. My goal for being able to be in the main garden? April 15th. These things can’t be rushed I know but I am slightly running out of space….

So I will leave you with a photo of some of the tulip offerings that will be available on Friday. What will I choose? Hmmm. Will you will just have to wait and see.

From top left. Gabriella, Negrita, Mary Jo, Orange Princess and Finola.

Until next week, your flower girl. Allie

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