Things are Heating Up

The weather outside is frightful, but inside it is so delightful….that could be said for the last couple of weeks around here. The weather, well, cold and rainy and a lot of snow days but inside the dirty room things are so delightful. Seedlings are growing, not by leaps and bounds but there is good action.

Quite the growing routine is happening. Every morning while filling filling goat buckets and feeding the dogs, the grow lights are turned on and the plants welcomed. After the dogs get their walk, the seedlings are watered and cheered on. If a batch of seedlings are ready they get moved off the heat mat to the shelving by the windows. If necessary more seeding will happen but the main thrust for the seeding really won’t happen until the middle of March. After lunch the seedlings are caressed and around 9:00 they are told good night and their lights go off.

The ranunculas and anemones are growing so fast they had to get moved to the lowest shelf of the rack to try to keep them cool. I don’t want them to get too soft for when I move them out. In preparation for their move out yesterday I dug out the little greenhouse, where I can get water to it and put snow on the planting beds to water them in. I didn’t want to drag hoses just yet so this was just to take care of some of that extra snow.

Watering in the beds getting ready to plant soon.

Today was such a lovely day, we hauled out the trays of sprouts to get them ready for the big plant. They had a lovely day

Getting to be planted this week.

Most of the snow has melted, so probably Tuesday will be planting day. Right now they are hopefully safely under a double layer of remay. I will be happy when they are in the ground. I can not believe how much they have grown. If all goes to plan, and I have done my math correctly, I should start to have flowers by the middle of May? We will see.

My week of virtual growers classes have started with a three hour opener tonight, so if this seems a bit rambling, it is because I have had my head in a computer for the last 3 hours. Hopefully I will learn and more important be able to retain what I am learning. Some of it is a refresher from oh way back when, and some of it will be new. Like learning now to use social media to my advantage. Technology.

I leave you until next week of things to come. Allie

Last year, May 25. Can’t hardly wait.

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