The Non Stop Spring

Phew, here I am at the end, or beginning of another week here at Lottarock. It is that time of year when things just get crazy, and maybe a bit out of control, but I have made it here so here are the happenings.

I am just now thinking, it is all a blur, can I even think back to Monday? I got to take a week off from Monday’s seeding because nothing was on the schedule and that opened up so much time I was able to pull together my spring bulb forcing order and get that off. We are going bigger next spring. Much bigger. Hope you all love tulips cause I have 3000 ordered for forcing. That isn’t including the ones that will just be planted out in the garden beds. So with the ordering of the tulip bulbs, we are trying to figure out how to build a cool storage room in the barn to hold all those bulb crates. Move over goats, tulips moving in with you.

The rest of the week we worked on the fencing around the garden to keep out the dogs who just love running through the garden “helping’. You can only imagine, I am sure. Transplanting seedlings, harvesting flowers, planting flowers out into the garden and now I am worried I will not have enough space for everything I want to grow, or need to grow. Move over veggies, flowers moving in with you.

The most exciting event of the week is Friday was the first open flower day. I had lots of beautiful daffodils, and not just your average yellow I might add. The first of the tulips are rocking in and I was very excited to see everyone who came out.

This is last week’s haul, this week is much more impressive

It looks like the flowers are really starting to rock in. I have been harvesting daily, so there will be lots of flowers, daffodils and tulips. I will have flowers by the stem so you can create your own bouquet, and will also have bouquets already made up.

Flower shed door arrangement greeting you.

I hope to see many of you on Tuesday, remember that the hours are now 3-6:00, and not what the website says. Have to fix that one of these days. If you haven’t gotten your flower card yet you can purchase one at the flower shed. All cash and checks are welcome. I leave you with the final photo of the combination of the road sign flowers and the shed door flowers.

Beautiful if I must say so.

Until next week. Allie

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