The Light May be Waning But the Flowers Aren’t

Have you noticed that the summer light is changing? It is no longer light enough to be in the gardens at 5:30, or really 6:00 in the morning unless I am turning on the irrigation. The urgency of being in the garden so early is gone, thankfully, for another year. Oh, believe me there is still plenty to do in the gardens but the urgency is gone. Mind you, it will pick up again before the season is done, planting tulips, getting the dahlias dug and ready for storage, getting the beds all put away, but that isn’t for another month, so now I have just a tich of respite.

Speaking of tulips. i got an email, along with many other recipients from my tulips sales rep, and they have had many tulip crop losses and failure to thrive crops so it could be that my tulip order will be reduced. By what number I have no idea, Nor do the suppliers at the moment, so it could be interesting. I might be a tulip grower, but I’m not a TULIP grower if you know what I mean. On my end it is a wait and see. I will try to have earlier crops like ranunculus and anemone but that will all depend on my skill, timing, and oh yes, the weather.

I still haven’t figured out how to rig up irrigation in garden number two yet. I guess I need more sleepless nights working on that one. I have figured out how to get the sides of the tunnel to go up and down more efficiently. It is done by all greenhouse growers, I am just a bit slow on the uptake. I have ordered the parts I need, Steve and I are trying to understand how to do this, or really Steve is trying to figure out what the heck I am trying to explain. It will all work out. Fingers crossed. Shipping is more expensive than the sum of the parts ordered. Go figure.

I think the flowers are doing quite well despite the summer they have been given. I mean, look at this flower haul from the other day, and this is only part of it.

I love it when I can take a few simple dahlia flowers from this, to this.

A special order going out on Monday morning. Yes, with notice I can create special orders for you as well.

I leave you with lat weeks #windowframethursday. I believe I titled it A burst of color for another gloomy day. It made me happy.

The last of the bells of Ireland, and two rose flowers that I got before the buds that smelt so sweet.

Until next week, may we all get to bury our noses in a bouquet of locally grown flowers. Allie

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