The End of May, and a Celebration!

HAPPY LONG WEEKEND. Yes, it is practically the end of May, only two more days left. Hard to believe that we are almost, almost half way through the year. But first, we are going to celebrate. What, you might ask? We are having a tulip sale. Yup, I have had enough of tulips. You must remember that I have been doing tulips in one fashion or another since December so, a tulip sale is in order. I want them all gone, and I still have some absolutely stunning varieties, doubles, fringed doubles, singles and just about every color you could want. For every dozen you buy, they will be $10.00 a doz. If you want less than a dozen it will be a dollar a stem. Either way it is a true bargain. Yup and easy math for me. And bring all your friends, Tuesdays tulip sale is open to everyone.

Just a small collection of tulips. More on the other side.

So. When you come to the flower shed on Friday, I will have peonies, ranunculus, Icelandic poppies and, fingers crossed, the beginning of the cool annuals.

I have planted half the annual flowers, and this week the dahlias are going in the ground. More sowing of sunflowers, and some serious housekeeping in the dirty room. We have set a peanut butter bucket in the greenhouse to hopefully catch the damn rodents that are eating my ranunculus corms. At this rate, I won’t have any left to overwinter for next year. Honestly, if it isn’t one thing, it’s another.

The sun has almost left the garden so I must get out and water. Until next week. Allie

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