The End, but not quite, of the growing season

What a funny title you might ask. Well, it’s true, it is the end of the summer growing season, but so far I am still able to create a few bouquets each Friday. So even though the flower shed is officially closed, because now it is the garden shed, I will have some lovely autumn bouquets available.

The transformed flower shed.

Slowly the flower beds are being taken down. Almost all of the beds have been cut down now with the horrible Hortnova netting folded up, labeled and put away. Next, the weed mat and the irrigation. After that….the list keeps going.

Yes, it is sad to see it all go, but I am also ready to ease up on the work. Not that it is easing up at the moment. I still have to lift the dahlias, and get them labeled and into winter storage, I still have to plant another 3000+ tulips, but today I prepped a bed with early cool crop seedlings and got them planted and watered in. They say rain tonight. Hmmmm. That would be nice but not counted on.

Sigh. Last of the summer color

It looks as though the weather this week is going to be mild so I will have flower bouquets available. If you don’t want to drive all the way over to find they are gone, email to reserve or come anyway and keep me company in the garden. No work involved. Just conversation.

So I leave you with a just for fun image of the last of the dahlias. Just cause.

Just for fun cause I can. Dahlia Cafe something, a Canna leaf and a seed head of an Actea

Until next week, Allie

PS. My editor is home from his travels. Yay!!!

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