The Beauty and Chaos of Spring Planting

The last day of April is here and although most of the month has felt like March, we will see what May brings. I know what May brings, and it will be lots of flowers. The narcissus are rolling in gangbusters and the tulips, after siting for weeks, are ready to be pulled to hold until needed. Whoa, there are some stunners coming in.

Look at that color coming on.

I will soon be awash with color which is very exciting. And look at this stunner,

Gudoshnik Double

All I can say is I think it is going to knock our socks off. The fritillaria are starting to bloom as are the leucojum which are like giant snowdrops. The flowers might be dainty, but they add such a wow factor to any posey.

Being spring, it hasn’t been quiet on the farm. Seeding is going well, many of the heat loving crops are finally being seeded because believe it our not, in 30 days it will be Memorial Day and most of the heat loving annuals will need to be in the ground. Yikes! Will I have enough space? Time will tell. I still have ten? heirloom chrysanthemums to arrive and be planted, plus the five roses that are to arrive on Tuesday, and more hellebore plants. I might be intercropping this year and planting on top of the narcissus once they are harvested. Hopefully they won’t mind if I give them a good feed first. Then I also have to find space for the sprawling pumpkins and gourds. Hmmm, I may not be growing that handful of vegetables this year. The old vegetable garden might become flower garden number two.

The dahlia tubers have all been hauled out of the cool room and are now sitting in the dirty room waiting for me to divide them. They are looking really good and healthy, I would just like to se some eyes before I divide them but it will have to happen in the next few weeks because Memorial Day is looming.

I will leave you with Thursday’s Window frame photo. I find it fitting with the dark grey skies we have been having. It also matches the bruise I have on my hip from something I ran into.

Windowframe Thursday. Fritilarria, hellebore, mertensia, hyacinth and honeysuckle foliage.

Until next week. I hope you will dream flowers. Allie

2 Replies to “The Beauty and Chaos of Spring Planting”

  1. Hi Allie,
    My name is Trim Hahn and I am a floral designer. I do quite alit if work for the Currier Museum and a few weddings each year. I am always looking for local suppliers of good quality flowers and am wondering if you sell any flowers wholesaleor outiside your subscription program? I bought some of your tulips at Flag Leaf bakery yesterday. They are terrific! Thanks. Trim

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