Thank You!

Thank you to all my flower people who have supported my flower endeavor this year. You have made it so much fun and so worthwhile. I never would have dreamed that this year, despite all of its rain, would have been such a good one, and it is because of all of your support. This thank you also includes all the the Yays and support from my long distance followers.

Since it is now officially the end of the flower season here at Flowers at Lottarock I just want to remind my fellow flower friends that if you purchased a flower card this year your card is good for another year. If you purchased a card last year, 2020 and have a balance remaining, your balance will be “payed forward” to supply flower bouquets to the residences of Scott Farrer, Summerhill, and Rivermead for the residents to enjoy, so thank you for “paying it forward”. The flowers will be greatly appreciated.

Last flower day harvest of the season. How beautiful, but how bittersweet.

Enough business, lets talk flowers. What a crazy week it has been. I heard a rumor from our builder that approval has been given to build the bulb cooler. Yay! I won’t believe it until the fat lady sings her aria, but I can hear her warming up in the wings. That and I have three piles of lumber sitting in the back of the wanna be garage. It is progress, and I am grateful for that, believe you me. Now. If anyone knows where I can locate a mere 50 bulb crates I really will be rocking to a happy tune.

Clean up of the flower gardens has begun. Yesterday I spent cutting back the plants that were gone by, pulling Hortnova (which is the netting grid that supports the plants that I have a love-hate relationship with), lifting the weed mat and rolling up the drip lines. It took me all day to do six beds. I went from this

The start of clean up

To this at the end of the day. It may not look like much but believe you me…

The left side
The right side

The beds that already didn’t have a cover crop growing in them then this afternoon had last year’s leaf compost added on top, and then I top that off with a sprinkling of very old wood chips to hold the leaf mulch down. It all looks so tidy at the moment, which for here says quite a bit.

This weekend was the Dublin Art Tour and Steve had his studio/man cave open for visitors to view his photography. I made two arrangements for him because I could. One for outdoors and one for inside to give a bit of color. I leave you with the two arrangements I made for your visual enjoyment.

Next week there will not be a blog because I am not taking my laptop on holiday with me, but rest assured, I will be back with more news from Flowers at Lottarock before you have time to miss me.

Until next time. Allie

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