Small, But Mighty

This could be our last fully sunny day for a few, according to the weather reports, so I have been taking full advantage of the slightly warmer temps, a slight breeze and getting things done in the gardens before the Black Flies emerge for the month of May. But since the saying is “April Showers Bring May Flowers” I really shouldn’t complain now should I.

They say, the great bloggers and instagramers of the internet world, to put you face out there, so here I am holding my first posy of the year that I have grown. It is small, but mighty and it makes me smile.

My first posy of the anemones, short, but so exciting!

Hopefully this will be the first of many flowers to be harvested. Sorry all, these flowers are for me. They do look awfully cute in a little vase though with some larch branches that are just starting to color up.

Little bouquet of just budding larch, chionodoxa and my first try of anemones.

The fragrant heirloom narcissus are budding like crazy. I have seen no flower buds at all on the ranunculus no matter how hard I look. The tulips are looking really good. It will be a few weeks at least until they bloom but am I looking forward to that. I planted some really cool varieties, some doubles, a lot of parrots and I am really excited to see them in bloom and not just catalog photos. The sweet peas that were planted out last week are looking good, the flower seedings are commencing nicely and we have now put electric netting around the flower gardens to keep out the dogs. They too love flowers but more love running through them than enjoying them for their beauty.

‘Til next week, Allison

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