Second Week of April

Welcome to the Flower shed!

Flower she door! Notice the forsythia showing color!

It is amazing how some weeks it seems as though I have tons to report, and other weeks not quite as much. So much of it is weather dependent but…I do have things to report.

This week will be the last of the forced tulips! For me that is exciting because I will, hopefully, in the following week be able to offer something different. The in ground tulips are growing right along, especially with that good dose of rain we had the last few days. Now with some heat I am hoping to be able to start seeing flower buds and the wonderful variety starts. Variety is the spice of the flower grower’s life.
This flower grower anyway.

The narcissus are budding up quite nicely, and before we know it there will be beautiful mixed arrangements for offer. That’s right. Mixed flowers. The ranunculus are s-l-o-w-l-y budding, but the anemone are starting to get decent length stems, the narcissus are looking really good, I have some lovely flowering branches, so there is much to look forward to here at the flower shed in the next few weeks.


The high tunnel is full to the brim, the sweet peas that I wasn’t going to grow are out in the greenhouse getting ready for their first pinch, and the perennials have been moved outdoors because I needed room in the greenhouse. From this time of year until everything is planted out in June, it is a constant shuffle of plants from one space to another, but by some miracle it all seems to work.

For the time being, the shed hours will stay at Friday, from 9-2. As always, stayed tuned to the newsletter to find if there are any changes.

Remember this,
April showers, bring April flowers. Until next time. Allie

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