Rain? Please! Soon!

Wow, is it dry. What a difference from last year when we were getting good rain to make up for the previous year. Now? I would love some rain. A week of a nice soaking rain would be oh so lovely. Thankfully all the flower beds are on drip irrigation and everything is well mulched, but still, it is dry. I am also grateful that I have rain tanks scattered around the property because that water is going to be needed. I have now decided to let the high tunnel go. Most of the crops have been harvested from there and they did a marvelous job bridging the seasons for me, but now, maybe a week or two earlier than I would have liked, I am stopping their water. This only affects the Icelandic poppies as a crop but I need the water elsewhere. Instead I will be harvesting seed to save, harvesting the last of the ranunculus and anemones to save for next year and redesigning the entire high tunnel to make more growing space for early spring flowers. Yippee!

The peony season has also just ended. I made myself a lovely bouquet with the last of the blooms. I made the bouquet last Tuesday and it is still looking beautiful on the coffee table and that makes me happy.

Until next year. This is the last of the peonies, with Dara, and campanula stems.

As we know, one flower exits, and another quickly takes its place. The sweet peas are going gang busters. I just love burying my nose in a bunch and inhaling. It is such a seductive perfume and when I walk by the rows in the evening the perfume just wafts around me.

Lovely sweet peas

Also coming in strong are the rudbeckias and the snapdragons.

There are plenty of flowers to chose from that is for sure. I love growing the unusual, not lots of them because they are so unusual, but they add such interest and sometimes drama to a bouquet, but I also grow many of the usual flowers as well to round out the selection.

Now that the typical hot weather is here, here are some tips to keeping your flowers lasting longer. Take your flowers home in the go cups and don’t let them sit in the hot car. When you get home, recut the stems, add the flower food if I remembered to give it to you, and yes, It does make a difference. Put the flowers in cool water and keep them out of the sun. Change your vases water every few days, and if you have run out of flower food just add a small splash of chlorox to the water to prevent scummy stems. The best flowers of the summer are known as the dirty flowers and they will turn scummy quickly if given the chance so the flower food helps as does the chlorox.

I am almost done here. I just want to remind you that the flower shed hours are now Tuesdays from 2-6 and Fridays from 9-2. If you haven’t been here yet, we are at 76 Stoddard Rd, Hancock and there is a sign at the end of the driveway when we are open. Bring a friend as well, the more the merrier.

So. I’m done now. Until next week. Flowers Rock on at Lottarock! Allie

Bucket of Blooms!

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