Playing Catch -Up

I have been back from our grand adventure for a week plus now and going by my ever growing list of things to accomplish before the snow flies, I feel as though I am making headway. The majority of the garden is cut back now, except the row of chrysanthemums that are essentially done, but every time I think I will cut them down the honey bees are all over it, buzzing contently so for the moment there is still color, but everything else is cut down and composted. Beside the mums being cut down, I just have to put down compost and leaf mulch on the beds…

But this week is designated tulip week. Starting tomorrow, the tulips are going to start to get planted. Yesterday I divided all the tulip varieties in half, 250 for the crates, and the other half for the raised beds. About half of my order substituted so it will be interesting come flowering time. Hopefully they subbed me with some nice varieties. Only time will tell. I figure it will take me about a week to get everything planted. Then, back to the garden to get the beds covered.

The weather has been in my favor thankfully so it has been quite pleasant to be outside doing all my chores. I wish it would rain though. We are about five inches in deficit and it worries me going into winter so dry. The pond is looking mighty low right now. Hopefully we will get a good snowfall, as much as I am not a big snow fan, we do need it for ground protection and ground moisture.

Despite all the garden work, I did manage to make a bouquet for a friend who needed it for a thank you. I think it was the end of the flowers officially, but given the task, I am sure I could create something if needed.

Thank you bouquet

I also managed to get in last weeks #windowframethursday. This is the end of the mums for being cut. The rest are for the bees.

I like this because it truly does say November. It includes forsythia branches and viburnum with berries for fall color, mums, mignonette, miscanthus and cerinthe. As you know, all grown here at the farm.

So that is about it for now. I have to save my energy for this weeks tulip planting.

Till next week, Allie. I dream of flowers, do you?

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