Oh, Mother Nature, how could you?

All I can say is that I am very glad I have lots of little green things and tulips growing happily because it will be awhile before the snow melts. More snow! Seriously. Just when I think that spring is on our doorstep, good Ole’ Mother Nature decides that another 18″ of heavy wet snow is just what we need. NOT!

Despite the looming snow, things really are happening here at the farm. The tulips are growing very nicely and thank you to you all for enjoying them.

An armful of color ready to go out

The ranunculus in the greenhouse are growing nicely, and the second batch have finally been planted in the high tunnel.

Ranunculus in Greenhouse

Along with the second batch of ranunculus that have been planted, the anemone have also been planted out and the first batch of seedling in the high tunnel have joined them. Half the tunnel is full and I still have more to go in, oh dear…space. My constant issue.

The first seedling planted.

The white sheets on the side are the remay, or what I refer to as the plant’s pajamas that I cover the hoops with every evening to keep the seedlings warm, or really warmer.

Unknown, but beautiful I think.

As you can see, things are a happening here at the farm. My days go like this. Uncover the plants, water seedlings and tulips in dirty room. Check water in greenhouse and tunnel and, if necessary, water. Seed and or transplant, move what needs to get moved. Check temperature and if necessary vent…turn on fans….then around 4:00 reverse the process. Turn off fans, close doors, cover plants and repeat this process daily. I certainly getting my steps in.

As I was closing up this afternoon I was stunned. Look at this.

Some in ground tulips are poking through. Until tomorrow anyway. Then gone again until the snow melts.

I will finish this up here. I have to go out and tuck the plants in for the night. There will be no blog next week. We will be in Tulip land and I am sure I will come home with flower stories to regale you with. I leave you with last Thursday’s #windowsillthursday photo.

Until next time. Allie

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