Mid May Bouquets

Well we are half way through May, phew, what a time we are having. I have been harvesting armloads of absolutely amazing tulips. Bicolored tulips, doubles, double fringed, a flower arranger’s dream. The ranucnulus are starting to come in fast and furious, the anemones are still going strong, the alliums are showing buds as well as the early peonies. Like I said, a flower lover’s dream.

A just because I can bouquet

I will never be a garden club flower arranger because I am not very good about following rules, but this bouquet was made from all flowers frown here at Flowers-at-Lottarock. There are a variety of tulips, ranunculas, narcissus, and then some beautiful magnolia, bleeding heart and spirea added because they were looking good in the garden at the time.

You to can make an amazing bouquet with an assortment of flowers from the farm, then just fill in with a couple of things from the garden and viola! In fact many of you are sending along pictures of the flowers that you have gotten and arranged. I love seeing this and am trying to figure out how to post them so they can be shared with everyone that is a member. All I need is a youngster to teach me what to do. So take those flower pictures, and send them along to my email allie@flowers-at-lottarock.com and I will try to figure out how to post them for you all to see. I think that this will be beautiful. Also important because many of those early tulips were sold before I got to see them open, and I think that would be fun as well.

The arrangements don’t have to be elaborate, even a stem in a vase will be lovely. It isn’t a competition, just I think you all would like to see what you are all creating. And as long as it makes you smile and happy, then I am happy. I leave you with this photo of my simple window sill posy.

Makes me smile while doing the dishes.

To finish off, it looks as though we will have open flower gate on Tuesday afternoon this week. Like I said, I am harvesting bucketloads of beautiful flower stems. So stay tuned for the newsletter Monday night. Gasp, that is tomorrow! Hope to see you all soon, and your pictures of your created beauty. Allison

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