May. Can you believe it?

So here we are. May. Nearly the beginning of fabulous flowers to be had from Flowers at Lottarock. What a month April was. I have been absolutely busy here at the farm, some days I feel like I am spinning and by the time dinner is cooked and cleaned up, I am cooked.

We have had some good rain in the past week. Not enough to get us out of the drought stage, but enough to put water in the rain tanks, and to give me a day off from hauling water to all the trees and shrubs that we dug and transplanted at the beginning of the month. I look at it that right now, every drop of rain is a good drop.

In the seeding department the warm temperature annuals have been started. There are only three to four weeks before they go into the ground, and they grow quickly so they get a later sowing date. Exciting things are happening though. Lots of very cool zinnias, cosmos, scabiosa, and celosia have been started with lots of fillers and little flowers I have received notice that the dahlias have been shipped so with what I have overwintered and what I am getting it should be a very colorful summer.

As the seedlings are ready and when the weather cooperates, the beds are being planted out. It is pretty exciting though, I have to say. The scary part is will I have enough space? Only time at the end of the month will tell.

Speaking of color, the tulips and narcissus are really coming into their own, and I am harvesting at least twice a day.

One bucket of flowers
Two buckets of flowers.

I have plenty of flowers available for everyone and as you can tell, color is not a problem. We have doubles, parrots, singles, yellow, purple and pink tulips and it seems as though every other color under the sun. They pair beautifully with the fragrant narcissus, some random greenery from the yard and viola’, you have just created a beautiful bouquet.

I leave you with an image of a tiny posey I made with tiny flowers. The vase is just an old spice jar, but I have found that nip bottles also work well in a pinch. This posey includes a narcissus, some cedar from the hedge that had just been sheared, some muscari and frittilaria.

Remember, the flower shed is open on Tuesday afternoons from 3-6, and Friday mornings from 9-12. I look forward to seeing you all. Until then, Allie

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