Let the Show Begin

We had our first flower gate opening on Friday, May Day of course, and I couldn’t have been more thrilled. Many of you came out to give encouraging words, and better, become members and get flowers. It was supposed to be a cloudy and rain soaked day, but by the time we had opened Friday afternoon, the sun had come out. So had the black flies, but that is a given.

Besides being really excited about opening day, Garth was here with two excavators, creating havoc in order for me to plant more flowers and create more beauty. So, we went from looking like this Thursday night last…

Lots of rocks, stumps and stuff before the fun began

To this. Quite the project. Garth has buried tons, no thousands of rocks, some the size of a Fiat or VW Beetle. No. Really. We aren’t called Lottarock for for our sand deposits.

During. The white fence around the garden is the electric fence to keep out the dogs, and piles of rocks getting buried in the back corner.

Next week, when the big toy has been removed and it has been all smoothed out, you will see the after. It is really amazing this transformation here at Lottarock Farm.

But let’s get to the important part; The flowers. I will have a busy day or two in the dirty room transplanting hundreds of flower seedlings into cell pacs, and still do more seeding. I have to figure out the irrigation to get water to said flowers when they get transplanted out into the beds. First year learning curve.

The flowers themselves are really popping. Especially with the past few days of rain and now heat. I have harvested a bunch more beautiful narcissus, more anemone, and wait, wait, the ranunculus and the tulips are starting to show color which means, drum roll please, I will have them available for Friday. Here is a slight selection of the narcissus that will be, or were available

Aren’t they lovely!

So, to finish up, the newsletter will give you the times that we will be open, and that will be posted the night before. At the moment I don’t foresee more than just Fridays, but who knows? But! I will let you know as soon as I know.

So for those of you who haven’t been here before, and I will say it again in the newsletter, we are at 76 Stoddard Rd in Hancock, and we will have a sign like this to direct you in.

This will be out at the end of the driveway during open farm gate hours

Hope to see you all soon. Allie

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