June. The end of the first week. Whoa!

Here we are already in June. Am I excited? Am I overwhelmed? Am I exhausted? Yes, to all of the above. The good news is that now that June is here, just about everything is in the ground. I have another sowing of the late blooming cosmos to seed yet, and a few more sowings of sunflowers to do, but the main push, to get all of the summer annuals in the ground is complete as well as getting all the dahlias planted. Now, I have no idea how many I planted, just a lot. But really who can say no to purchasing dahlia tubers in the winter months of January when one so wants their vibrant and intense color of summer. Shopping cart full. Guilty.

Jager has been hard at work trying to get the destructive rodents. He has been working so hard he has rubbed off his eyebrows and now has big scars. Silly dog. Gotta love him though, but to be honest, clawless Mikey is a far better hunter. Thank you Joyce.

Silly Jager

The peonies are slowly trickling in. I should be able to harvest a lot this week with the warmer temperatures. A couple shot open this weekend while we were at the lake so they will just add beauty and color to the gardens. I can even view some while I am typing this. They are so beautiful. If I harvest them at the correct stage, I can hold them for weeks so you all will have an extended peony season, versus what you would normally get if you were to pick them out of your garden. Yay for my amazing flower cooler!

One of the best things about being a small flower grower is that I can grow some of the really unusual things that might not be seen at a regular flower shop or even a farmers market. The Fox Tail lilies are sending up their shoots and I have even one showing color. These are perfect as one stem in a wine bottle, they are that stunning, so you need to keep stopping by. The campanula I started by seed this spring are showing some beautiful buds, the shrubs and vines are making very interesting filler, and I am having a blast making bouquets. I can be creative and I am loving that. That being said, I will have bouquets available on open flower shed days and you will still be able to buy by the stem so you can create your own masterpiece.

Any yes, I still have tulips and they are still on sale. They are still looking absolutely stunning, and will have beautiful bouquets with the oncoming peonies and the other flowers that are rocking in.

What else do I have to say? Hmmm, not much, but hope to see you all at the flower shed soon.

Oh yeah, and if you can, could you just send me a simple “Hi” return so I know that you have received this. Some of the blogs and newsletters are going into the spam boxes, and just saying Hi back to me lets me know that you are good to go. Many thanks.

Until next week. Allie

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