July in April? Please No!

What a week this past week it has been. No rain, more wind, and June like temperatures. Not good for this flower farmer. Or any farmer for that matter. No matter what I did, it just wasn’t going to end well.

Let me prove my point. My magnolia behind the house normally blooms the end of April. Now look at this photo, taken tonight. April 11th.

Beautiful, but two weeks early.

With the high April temperatures, things are popping like there is no tomorrow. The tulips, are not blasting, but close. I was berating myself because seedlings were burning out and the tulips, oh, my tulips. I am watering them and keeping my fingers crossed, praying for cooler temperatures, not freezing temperatures, but cooler temps, and of course, rain. Oh we so desperately need rain.

If you look closely, in the bottom left you will see tulips showing color with 3 inch stems. Not good. Not good at all.

Let’s just say that this past week has been a challenge, frustrating, and any other adjective you want to add in. Argh!

On the positive note, the daffodils are budding up nicely and are starting to bloom, the rest up the bulbs are really starting to emerge, and when I started to poke around the peonies, I am seeing buds, which means that with the dry I will have to start watering them as well. I hope that this summer will not be spent dragging hoses and water buckets, but if I must I must.

Seeding is continuing. Learning is continuing. Watering is continuing. What else can I say.

I know, flowers will be happening any week now, and as soon as I have enough to bunch I will send out the newsletter to let you know and post it on Instagram. Wipe the dust off your cards and get them ready. You do’t have a card yet? You can purchase them on any open flower day, whenever that begins, you can buy one by by sending a check along and I will mail you a card, and if you happen to still have credit on your card from last year, bring that along. It is all very easy, just old fashioned. Checks can be sent to Flowers at Lottarock, PO Box 35, Hancock, NH 03449

On that note, I will leave you paused with anticipation and I promise, I will be more cheerful next week. Looking forward to seeing you all soon. Allie

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