It’s September!

So here we are. September. The days are getting noticeably shorter, but the amount of flowers available isn’t. Which is good for all of us. The dahlias are eh, but from what I hear in the gardening hood, I am not alone in that and that makes me happy. Not that my dahlias are doing poorly, but that I am not the only one suffering with poor dahlias this year. To make up for it the asters are still going gang busters, as are the zinnias, and the amaranth is just totally out of control! I have started to top them because they are so top heavy they are falling all over the place and I can get down the rows to harvest flowers. The peacock orchids are slow, but they are just a lovely extra at this point. The sunflowers are as happy as can be at the moment. How can you not smile at those happy faces. And the flowers are small so they work in the floral bouquets.

Happy sunflowers
Sunflowers with some stunning rudbecia

The pumpkins and gourds that got planted way back in June are just about taking over, It is very hard to get to the end of the rows without treading on the vines. Can’t do much about that like I can with the amaranth, I just have to move my big feet more carefully. Some of the pumpkins are huge and to make it fun(?) I have no idea what varieties they are. I was just using up old seed so we will all be surprised when harvest time come. Stay posted for that one.

So until next time, let’s have flowers.

A quick bouquet of odds and ends.

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