It’s All About Tulips

In case you didn’t know from all my excitement, right now it is all about tulips and I am loving it despite all the angst. What better flower is there that will get us though these remaining winter weeks? Brightly colored, vibrant and locally grown tulips!

Just look at those beauties!

I have been harvesting tulips for a few weeks now and each batch seems to be getting better. Each week I find I have about 4 crates worth of tulips ready for the flower club. That can range from 100-120 tulips a week, and you lovely people are wanting them all. Thank you. So four crates go into the very dirty dirty room each week. When the flowering crates are finished. I am certainly getting a workout between shifting crates back and forth from the bulb cooler to the dirty room and then back to the dirty room if I need to hold the blossoms. Good weight lifting with stairs.

If you think that all I am doing is tulips you are oh so wrong. I have crated up the last of the ranunculus and they are now in the greenhouse growing on. Seeds that have germinated and are ready to be bumped up are going into the next size soil block. More seeding will commence by the middle of the month, then we will really be busy.

Candy Prince

At the moment, we will only be having the flower shed day 1 day a week. It worked out really well last week changing the date to Thursday because of Friday’s snow storm. The best I can say is for the time being, pay attention to the newsletter so you know what, when and where the flower shed will be. I want to thank you for your patience on this. We could still be at Main Street Cheese where it is much warmer, but it is awfully nice to be here at the farm so I can get some things done. So. Stay tuned.

I will leave you with one more tulip image for the week, then I have to go out and cover up the babies in the greenhouse to protect them from the cold.

Jager and I have no pride showing off these tulips, do we?

Until next week, dream and think tulips. Allie

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