Happy Summer Flower Friends

It is finally summer, what I wait all winter for, and it is here! yay! And the summer flowers are trying hard to rock in. It is a good thing I have plenty of transition flowers to tide me through until the real summer flowers get here.

The peony harvest is done, but I still have many colors available. The zinnias I really think are going to be a bust this year. Argh, friggin slugs. I had a snake in the garden with a frog in his mouth, I bopped the snake gently and he released the frog. I told them you guys need to work together to help with the rodents and slugs, not eat each other. Let’s get it right please. I need them to do their jobs! Stop whinging Kerwin, lots of the other flowers are doing just fine…Zinnias? I try to remain hopeful.

The bed that I let go to seed last summer is my earliest row to come into flower in the big garden.

Bulplurum, orlaya, buckwheat, oops, feverfew

Also in the self seeded row is lots of Nigella, most of it has already been harvested, lots of verbena b getting tall more feverfew…it pays to have a messy garden sometimes.

The dahlias are looking OK. I have slug damage, maybe some rodents enjoying that succulent growth, but many of them have had their first pinch, and the week of the 4th when we have houseguests, the rest of the stakes go in and the corralling begins.

Dahlia rows

In case you are wondering, each pink flag on the stake is a different variety, four tubers per variety was the plan. Not all plans go the way I want them to, but there will be plenty of dahlias. Fingers crossed. I always cross my fingers with big crops like this. Especially this year where everything seems to be a bit more challenging.

But have no fear. There will be plenty of flowers. The yarrow is coming in nicely, the Red Hot Pokers and Eremerus are looking grand,


So I leave you now, a big storm is getting closer and I need to get this out before I lose our dismal internet. The last photo is of last week’s harvest wagon. See. Lots of color and varieties.

Harvest wagon.

Until next week then. Allie. I dream of flowers, do you?

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