Happy Spring!

It has been quite a week here at the flower farm. Spring rocked in and I am sooo happy about that. I know, it is still March, and we still have to go through April, but things are a happen’en in the garden and I am loving it.

I am now on a weekly seeding schedule, which means that every Monday is seeding day. We started out slowly with the cool flowers but now we are ramping it up a bit and we are starting to rock and roll. Am I ready? As ready as I will be I reckon. I have seeds, compost, Pro-mix, heat mats, grow lights all lined up so I have been practicing with my soil block making so here we go.

I had moved out all the trial cool seedlings into the little greenhouse to cool off. The are keeping the ranunculas and the anemones company, but yesterday I got them into the actual garden beds. All of the Icelandic poppies are in the high tunnel, the stock, snaps, flax and bachelor buttons have been planted into the bed. I had to. I have what I think is a mouse feasting on all the greens. I have lost half the stock, the bachelor buttons have been well pinched so they should have excellent branching thank you. We have tried trapping, but it is wily so tonight we will try spinach and sprouts as bait. The creature seems to be craving greens so we will go that route and see what happens. Argh! I couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t counting as many ranunculas as I had been. They are still there cause I checked, but the critter has eaten all the tops. Sooo frustrating let me tell you.

There they are planted out.

While I was out in the garden checking on things as I do at least 12 times a day, because you never know, something might emerge from the earth this hour, I heard a buzzing, and if this works, I have a video of the witch hazel in full bloom absolutely covered with happy honey bees. This will be my first uploaded video so we will see how this goes. Didn’t work. I will try to post it to Instagram tonight. Try. The operative word. Instagram acct is Flowers at Lottarock.

In two weeks membership to Lottarock Flowers will be opening for the season. Many of you have a balance left, many of you don’t. If you have any questions email me at flowersatlottarock@gmail.com and I will fill you in. The membership is $100, and is good for two years. It works like a gift card, so when you come to get your flowers, that total is deducted from your balance. This is so exciting, and I look forward to seeing you when the flowers start, stay tuned.

Until next time. Allie

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