Happy New Year, and a new year of flowers.

Hard to believe that it is a new year and a new start to a flower gardening season. Yes, flowers are getting started this week. Perennials need to be sown as well as the cool flowers that will be planted out in early March.

I had a lovely three week break cruising the south Atlantic, rounding Cape Horn and up the south Pacific, but now that that is done, the holidays are done it is time to buckle down and get on with flowers. I am ready, are you?

First on my, or should I say our, docket is now that the snow has melted and we can find the lumber, new beds for the high tunnel need to be built. I am reconfiguring the space so there will be more room for flowers so new beds need to be built while the weather is in our favor to move compost and get them ready for planting at the end of February.

The tulips in the crates are coming along nicely which is exciting. I am starting to lose sleep over them now so their season must be getting closer.

That is it for now, just wanted to say hi. Oh, if you have any suggestions of what you would like to see this growing season, drop me an email and I will see what I can do. I always love a good growing challenge. Until next week. Allie

Bringing in the New Year

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