Happy May Day!

Welcome to the Flower shed

Holy Moly, here we are at May 1. I don’t know whether to be in a panic or excited. Doesn’t matter, it is the first of May, and things are a rock’n at Lottarock. Where do I begin? The anemones are requiring a daily harvest, the ranunculus are so close, oh so close to being harvestable and available, the narcissus are going gang busters and the tulips? Ah yes, there will be tulips available at the flower shed this Friday, especially if the rest of the week are days like this. OMG, what a day this is.

This mornings harvest. ‘Scuse the “model” holding them. But just look at those flowers!

In answer to your burning questions, yes, the spring flowers are rocking in here at Lottarock. I have been busy watering every day the wind is just whipping the moisture out of everything, my face and lips included. Where is my Burt’s Bees? People might look at me quizically when I say it is dry, but it is, trust me.

The summers annuals seeding is progressing nicely. This seasons perennials have been planted out, the older perennials are starting to look good, like something is happening anyway. The peonies, the next big exciting thing here at the farm, once we move on past the early spring flowers, are putting on some good growth. My days are busy, but that is good. It is keeping me out of mischief.

At this point I am going to keep the flower shed hours open just on Fridays from 9-2. But that is all up for change ’cause I can, and if I am overwhelmed with flowers, I might open on Tuesday afternoons, but that will have to wait and see.

I am leaving you with a photo of last week’s posey. Let’s see, anemones, fritillaria, narcissus, andromeda and pine. My next challenge is to make a bouquet a week, photograph it well (like Francis Palmer, have you see her work?) and record it for you. That way I am hopefully improving two skills. Flower composing and photography.

May 1, 2022 still life.

So. Until next week, may the weather be balmy with a slight breeze to keep the black flies away and some lovely evening showers to help the flowers grow. Allie

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