Flower thoughts for Mid September

I am not quite how we got to mid September, but here we are. It has been the absolute weirdest summer, one that will go down in the books, but despite all the punches, the flowers are looking good and are still bountiful.

I have had a few flower people ask when will I have flowers till. Well, that all depends on what Mother nature deals me. I am planning to be open for the Columbus/Indigenous weekend and a quiet plug here, Steve will be on the Dublin Art Tour that weekend so come on by and see his photos, then after that it might just be by special order but that is why one pays attention to the newsletters. They keep you up to date.

Many of the flowers are still going gangbusters while flowers like the annual asters have said so long for the season. The yarrow has been cut back, I should have done it sooner for a possible second flush. Oh well, next year.

Flowers are being cut and dried, some being hung in the shed while some are upstairs in the garage where it is hotter and certainly drier. In October I will have dried flowers for you, dried flower bouquets, maybe some wreaths. That is the plan anyway, we shall see what transpires. Speaking of wreaths, I will be making Christmas wreaths this December. They will only be by special order. More details will follow in November, so stay tuned.

The cutting shrub garden across from the donkeys is quickly filling in. I hope to have it all planted out by the middle of October so next year there will be some really cool material for arrangements and wreaths, which is exciting.

Other than this, not much is happening that is terribly newsworthy, so I will just leave you with a couple of photos to brighten your day.

Mikey smelling the flowers

So until next week, think sunny weather and happy flowers. Allie

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