Five more Weeks!

Do I sound like I am wishing my flowers away? No siree. I am just letting you know that there are only five more weeks of flowers. Could be less, but that is weather dependent, and who knows what the weather is going to be. Two tropical storms in as many weeks, the flowers are, well, damp. The good news is at least I don’t have to water as often.

The last storm took down the cosmos, they are all looking so they are going to get the hedge shear treatment this coming week. Everything else is looking good. The twenty foot tall broom is blooming, or doing what ever it does. It is hard to see that far up although I could get out the binoculars for a close up, I will take a photo for you so we all know what they are doing. I don’t have some shorter ones, but these are so interesting. And you should see them sway in the wind. It is almost poetic, their movement so graceful. Hopefully the wind will be kind for a few more weeks so things just don’t get bowled over.

The dahlias are coming into their own as are the glads. The peacock orchids are setting flower buds and I can hardly wait until they start to flowers. Their perfume is just intoxicating. So I googled the name, and it is a Gladioli species. It is far more beautiful and sensuous than the regular gladioli It reminds me of the tropical flowers that I used to grow in Australia oh so many years ago.

Ahh, just look at that blossom, it is to bad this isn’t smell a vision because you would be swooning.

Last year I grew the most interesting pumpkins and gourds that kept us all entertained with the colors and the diversity. Despite having planted about fifty plants out this summer they are, sad to say, a bust. The best ones were growing in the goat paddock, and I didn’t even know how many there were until… we got home last Sunday and not only had they trampled all of the vines, but the also ate all the pumpkins that had self sown, and beautifully at that from last year. So. If you were planning to get some really cool pumpkins again this year, it unfortunately isn’t going to happen. I am so sorry, I was hoping for some myself. Not only did I not get really cool pumpkins and gourds for you, but I have no winter squash in the garden for me. No butternut, no acorn, no nutt’n. Argh.

I just want to say that, if I haven’t told you when I see you, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your support and love of my flowers. This is a dream that is coming to fruition from thirty years ago. I have the notebook from my years living in Australia spelling it all out. It is one of those OMG moments. Seeing what I wrote all those years ago, doing this now, and THEN finding the notebook. Way too ‘do do do do’ ( you have to hum that part). I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support.

Flowers yet to look forward to….

Until next week. Allie

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