First Sunday of April Happenings

Now that April is here and there is no snow, except the few farmers snow, things are really happening here at the farm. The soil is 42 degrees, warm enough to start getting the cool temperature plants into the ground, so drum roll please…the first batch of sweet peas are in!

Freshly planted sweet peas!

The next most exciting things happening at the farm is that I have two flower buds on the anemones! I know, it doesn’t sound like much to you I am sure, but I have nurtured these babies since November. I can not tell you how exciting this is for me.

Check it out!

Third but not last of the most exciting things is that the fragrant, heirloom narcissus are getting flower buds. If these are going to be as exciting as I hope they are, this fall I will plant many more.

Instead of just 25 of each variety I might do 100 if the wow factor is there

Those are just a few of the exciting things that are happening at Flowers-At-Lottarock. Seeding is continuing on, transplanting into cell pacs, spreading compost on the beds and mulching the paths. The second batch of sweet peas are just starting to germinate now so in another month they will be able to go out and join the others along with the stock and the larkspur. I am a happy gardener.

Flowers-at-Lottarock subscriptions are still available and can be purchased for $100. This gives you access to the “cut flower shop” on Tuesday afternoon and Friday mornings to purchase your ready made bouquets or bunches of cut flowers. The cards will act as a gift card, and when that balance is used up, another card can be purchased.

Also, if you know of anyone who you think would be interested, please pass the blog and website info to them. All flower lovers are welcome. It is a great Mothers Day gift, birthday or anniversary.

Until next week, Allison

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