First Day of Summer!

Today is the first day of summer, the longest day of the year. That is good because it gives me more daylight hours to get everything done, but soon I will lose all this glorious daylight and you know what, that will be good as well. Cheers to summer and all the beautiful flowers it will bring.

We are entering the quiet time in flowers again. Don’t panic, I still have flowers, it is just that there is a slow down between the peonies and when the annuals really start in. I do have peonies that my flower fairies cut when I was away and put in storage for me, I have six stems of stink’n awesome foxtail lilies. Just six stems, well, maybe seven, but not many so I wouldn’t pass these by believe you me. They are tall, elegant and well, you judge for yourselves.

One, four foot foxtail lily. Even one makes a statement.

The bellflowers are still going strong, snapdragons, stock, orlaya are all coming in, as well as other flowers from the garden. Some mighty fine arrangements can be made with the flowers that are available.

The Icelandic poppies are still going strong, their flowers are paper thin, translucent almost, on these thin wiry stems but they hold up so well.

Icelandic poppy, paper thin.
Orange Icelandic poppy, stunning.

I am back to the annual question. I ask you, How many tulips is too many? I seem to have a problem narrowing down the number of tulips that I want to grow for you all next year. Hmmm, what is a flower grower to do?

Until next time. Allie

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