Disaster strikes!

Disaster! Little miss ‘innocent’ Sadie was rummaging around in the dirty room and knocked over my seed germination contraption. Drat! Everything came tumbling down on her, she panicked, and got caught in it. All the seeds that were just germinating, or flats that had just been seeded all came crashing down into piles of pro mix. Drat. Needless to say, Sadie went into her room and Steve and I then spent a a good half hour trying to salvage what we could.

oh Sadie, what have you done?

I then spent the next hour sifting through the piles of dirt, looking for seedlings that could be transplanted. I did salvage quite a few, at this point they are just cotyledons so I really won’t know what they are until they get their true leaves. The flats that were just seeded. Well, I am just going to keep my fingers crossed at this point. I have another big seeding at the end of the month so I just might have to bump up the numbers then.

On the good side, the grow lamps didn’t break, it was a trial of cold hardy plants, to see how early they could be planted out and I can always plant out the rescued ones when they are ready. Should still be early in the growing season.

Other exciting news on the flower front. The sweet peas are germinating and I have a very small flower bud on one of the anemones. These are exciting times!

One Reply to “Disaster strikes!”

  1. Thank you for sending me your wonderfully newsy website!
    I was hard at work cleaning out perennial beds until Tuesday!
    I would love to subscribe to your flowers; I can take them to church every week…when I can get to church!
    So looking forward to seeing Lottarock.
    Keep in touch, Katharine

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