Blooming Surprises: Latest News from the Flower Shed

The gardens are ramping up and only half are planted. The high tunnel is going gang busters and miracles of miracles the anemone are starting to bud up! I had written them off in my head thinking “oh well, thee is always next year” but lo and behold, I will have two for show and tell on Tuesday. By Friday, I might even have a bunch to sell. Amazing. The next most amazing thing happening at the farm is that I also have a ranunculus bud, and that crop I had really written off, but surprises do happen Allie. No photos, you have to come see them for yourself!

Did I say that you have to come Tuesday to see the flowers yourself? That is right. I’m beginning open flower shed on Tuesdays now, from 2-6. I will have plenty of flowers now to support two open days a week. What that also means is no more flowers at Cranberry Meadow Farm. It worked out really well for the winter months when many of you didn’t want to drive to Hancock, and I only had tulips to offer, and only four varieties a week to that, but now there is so much more to offer. So, thank you very much Carolyn for allowing this to happen, and hopefully we will be able to do it again next late winter early spring.

You might be asking what is happening on the farm now in mid May. Well, so glad you asked. The tulips are completely harvested!

Empty tulip beds . Add a smile emoji

That doesn’t mean the end of the tulips by any stretch of the imagination. No, they are all safely tucked in the cooler, away from the vagaries of the weather. They will be processed just before you get them so they will be fresh.

This was last week. Tonight it is full. Can you say tulip?

The beauty about this system is I can process the day before an open flower shed day what I think I will sell, and you will have the perfect tulip. Imagine, tulips neat, tulips with the cool flowers that are coming on, tulips with peonies, oh my goodness. I will be honest though, six months of tulips for this flower grower might be a bit much. I am looking forward to new flowers, and they are coming. Soon. Promise.

So if you haven’t been to the flower shed because of distance, here is a look at what I had for sale this week.

Todays, Mother’s Day offerings

I will leave you now but with a few reminders. Tuesday flower shed hours start this week. Shed is open from 2-6, and on Fridays from 9-2 and flowers will now only be available here at the farm.

As usual, I leave you with this weeks arrangement. I had fun with this one. Crabapple, lilac, purple and pink tulips, storm damaged magnolia (yes, I still have some for arrangements), leujocium, narcissus and bleeding heart.

Have I every said how much I love flowers? I love flowers and the joy that they bring.

Until next week. Allie

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