The Night Before Halloween

I don’t know which is more stressful, getting everything into the garden in the spring, or getting everything out of the garden in the fall? Tuesday is Nov 1st, and I have until Nov 23rd to get everything wrapped up for the season. Can I do it? The challenge is on for sure.

This week was a busy one. We have had two good freezes, so the gardens, except for the mums and the still going strong cup and saucer vine, are done for the year. Now the disassembly begins. Plants cut back, Hortnova removed, folded,(kinda) put in its own bag and labeled. Learning curve. Weed mat taken up, neatly folded and labeled what side it fits on and the spacing of the holes. Drip irrigation rolled up, and now that I have this wicked cool wire spinner it is much easier. They are also labeled and stowed away until spring. I still have many beds yet to go because in the meantime….

I have been making bouquets. Very exciting.

All off to a special dinner party!

When I haven’t been making bouquets, the dahlia tubers have been lifted making sure all the correct labels are with them, letting them sit in the sun for the day, then putting them in bulb crates and into the back of the flower space under the garage protected from the cold (I hope) until I can get them ready for storage for the winter. For some silly reason, that act of putting the tubers in the crates makes me feel like a real flower farmer. Crazy I know.

Dahlias in crates.

Then on Friday six more bouquets, the last of the season. Bittersweet. Happy, yet sad.

Dahlia tubers can wait, flower bouquets are done, now on to TULIPS! Steve has been making me, fingers crossed rodent proof tulip boxes.

Tulip boxes

The dogs and I have been filling them for spring delights. You can only imagine how that is going.

What a busy flower farmer week it has been. 1750 tulips in, about the same yet to go. Then back to dahlia winter storage, then back to putting the rest of the garden away. Can I do it? Can I get it all done by Nov. 23rd? Only time will tell. Then. I get a two month rest. I think. I hope.

Until next week. Allie

The End, but not quite, of the growing season

What a funny title you might ask. Well, it’s true, it is the end of the summer growing season, but so far I am still able to create a few bouquets each Friday. So even though the flower shed is officially closed, because now it is the garden shed, I will have some lovely autumn bouquets available.

The transformed flower shed.

Slowly the flower beds are being taken down. Almost all of the beds have been cut down now with the horrible Hortnova netting folded up, labeled and put away. Next, the weed mat and the irrigation. After that….the list keeps going.

Yes, it is sad to see it all go, but I am also ready to ease up on the work. Not that it is easing up at the moment. I still have to lift the dahlias, and get them labeled and into winter storage, I still have to plant another 3000+ tulips, but today I prepped a bed with early cool crop seedlings and got them planted and watered in. They say rain tonight. Hmmmm. That would be nice but not counted on.

Sigh. Last of the summer color

It looks as though the weather this week is going to be mild so I will have flower bouquets available. If you don’t want to drive all the way over to find they are gone, email to reserve or come anyway and keep me company in the garden. No work involved. Just conversation.

So I leave you with a just for fun image of the last of the dahlias. Just cause.

Just for fun cause I can. Dahlia Cafe something, a Canna leaf and a seed head of an Actea

Until next week, Allie

PS. My editor is home from his travels. Yay!!!

Not Quite Over, But Very Close

So I thought the season would be over by now, almost praying that the season would be over by now, but as of today, I still have dahlias, zinnias, (who would have thought), as well as chrysanthemums, perennial asters, grasses and amaranth to round out some mighty beautiful bouquets. At least in my opinion. So stay tuned to the newsletter for special items like dried flowers, holiday decorations and more. As you can tell by my run on sentences and worse, my trusty editor is away again.

Most of the garden has been cut back at this point. The entire right side has ben cut and added to the compost pile. I just can’t do that to the left side that holds the dahlias and the zinnias. I know this is bad because as a true flower farmer I need to just let it go. There is no money in it so I just need to flip the beds and get on with the next season, but I just can’t. I will next week, but I just love having flowers in case you didn’t know.

Just a beginning of the empty flower beds.

Stink’n rodents. I nearly fell into a hole in the cutting garden the other day. Said HMMM, looked down and saw some piles of dirt, so I called over my trusty garden dog Jager and need I say more. I now have two feet of freshly tilled garden.

Besides the hard freeze that I am waiting for I am also waiting for my trusty editor to return so he can build the boxes with hardware cloth on the bottom to keep said pesky rodents out. Then I can plant the last of the 3000 tulips that will come into flower after the forced tulips will. More in their natural blooming time, but they will still be stunning flowers to be had for sure. Never a dull moment here at Lottarock.

Stay tuned to any newsletter about special things like dried flowers, wreaths and other creative endeavors.

Again, I cannot thank you all enough for supporting my flower dream. You flower people are the best.

Until next week. Allie

The End? Of a Great Flower Season

We knew it was going to happen

I woke up this morning to finding frost on the shed roofs, cars and on the winter pasture, I thought to my self while groaning, seasons over, but by the time I had gotten back from taking the dogs for their morning walk, the flowers didn’t look too bad. Yes, some of the dahlia foliage got burned, but no black mess. Yet. That will come.


Bed clean up has begun. Stalks are getting cut down to the ground. Hortnova netting is getting wrapped up and put in zip lock bags. I just hate putting this stuff on and taking it of is even worse but I really does help in corralling the flower stems and keeping things in some sort of control. I hate that it is plastic, so I do my best to reuse it for as long as I can, but it is such a pain to work with. I used jute twine on some of the beds but ya know, it just doesn’t work as well. So until I find a better, cost effective solution, I will fight with the Hortnova netting.

Clean up continues, and the dreaded Hortnova netting.
Final harvesting? Not.

I harvested these last night thinking that we were going to have a freeze and that this was going to be the end of the season, but we escaped with minor damage. That doesn’t mean the flower shed will be open. It does mean though that I will make bouquets for you on demand until everything is done. How long will this be for? I have no idea, but at the moment there is no foreseeable freeze in the forecast so drop me a text or an email and I will see what I can create for you. This will be kinda fun for me. I think. I also am hoping to offer some things with the dried flowers, so. Stay tuned.

I know that it is sad to see the end of the flower season here at Lottarock, but if this helps, 2250 tulips have been planted this week in crates and they are in the bulb room going through their winter so to speak. If I have done my calculations correctly, I will have tulips for you by mid to late February. which is only 18 weeks away!


Meanwhile, I still have some beautiful chrysanthemums, dahlias, foliage and pumpkins on a stick to make a bouquet for you on order. Lucky us I reckon.

Pumpkins on a stick

Before I send off, I just want to thank all of you, my local flower people and my faraway flower people for all of you support. When I thought I just couldn’t do it with the drought, you were there supporting me. You folks are allowing me to fulfill my dream, and I will continue on until I can no longer physically do it. Don’t panic. I see this going on for at least another 6? years. Longer if possible but don’t tell Steve that. I promised him I would stop at 70. Since he ins’t here to proofread me, (as I am sure you can tell) he won’t know will he. The enthusiasm of you, my flower people make this adventure so amazing and wonderful so THANK YOU to all of you.

Welcome October

September saying farewell? The other side of the farm you don’t see.

What a busy week it has been since I last updated you. My editor is home from his once in a lifetime photo trip so, for the time being, no more run-on sentences and the blogs will get posted with haste and not after four tries. I thank you for your patience. If all goes well, you will have to put up with my bad grammar just one more time, then we should be good.

Not only did my editor, slash darling husband, come home but 14 boxes were delivered.

14 boxes of…
That’s right, 5000+ tulip bulbs. 2500 of them to be crated for forcing this week in my spare time.

I have selected some stunners, and I am already losing sleep about these flowers and they won’t even be harvested until mid February, fingers crossed.

A frost is in the forecast for the next two mornings. As flower growers call it “Frostmass.” The frost being the gift of the end of the season. A very long season, I might add. I have harvested what I can for a wedding next week. Fingers crossed that my altitude will work in my favor. I hate harvesting this early, but I am hedging my bets, and keeping all of my fingers, toes, legs and arms crossed that the flowers will be safe for the wedding, but alas, the end of the season is within sight. Yay! Boo. Yay!

I made a small bouquet to rest at a dear friend’s interment the other day. They were long family friends and they have come home to roost. Just a small token of thank you.

A farewell posy

With a possible Frostmass in the next two days, stay tuned to the newsletter. There will be no Tuesday flower shed, I will be planting tulips. Friday? We will see. There might still be flowers for me to make bouquets and I will have dried flowers to offer. Stay tuned. Until next week. Here’s Steve.

Sept. 30 flower bouquet

Think flowers. Thank you , Allie

Last Blog of September, but still more to come….

flower shed door arrangement

It is hard to believe that the next post I will do will be in October. Wow. My darling editor is hopefully on his way to Iceland and not still stuck in Greenland. Hurricane Fiona bolloxed this up so this mean that you will have to put up with all my grammatical errors again. I printed the notes that my friend in NY sent me so hopefully I will get this posted on the first try. Fingers crossed.

There are still flowers, they are coming on more slowly now so pay attention to the newsletter for what is happening as far as open hours will go. Remember that Tuesdays are now 2-5, and Fridays are still 9-2. The dahlias are still setting bud, the zinnias are looking good, peacock orchid, amaranth and chrysanthemums are starting to come in, but at this point weather dictates all. When doesn’t weather dictate a flower farmers life, but a hard frost will signal the end.

Still have beautiful blooms

While I still have beautiful blooms, clean up has begun. The last of the sunflowers were cut down and given to my clean up crew.

So the annuals that are done are cut down and sent to the compost pile. The drip lines are pulled, wrapped up and this year labeled so I know where they go next spring. don’t want a repeat of this spring, and since each of the beds on the left side are all different lengths this is critical. It’s sad to see it all ending, but a relief as well.

The dogs are clammering for their dinner so I will leave it here. Remember any up to date changes will be sent out on the newsletter….and I will be back next week, with my editor.!


Let the Flowers Rock On

Wow. What a week this has been. My proof reader is far far away, so every mistake you see this week is mine and only mine, I have sent two porcupines to the next level, Sadie and the house has been skunked, Mr Fed-Ex ran over the irrigation pipe but it seems to be fine, I had two dogs that ate WAY too much of what they shouldn’t have and after way too much time at the emergency vet clinic, where we weren’t an emergency enough in their terms so we left and all is done, so. If this post seems rather odd, trust me. It is. Lets just go with stress and lack of sleep.

The flowers are still doing very well. The zinnias, celosia, dahlias and things are all doing well. The cold and sensitive plants like the basil not so much, so using that s as filler is coming to a close. Bummer. That being said, there are still plenty of flowers out there to tickle your fancy,

Olivia watching over her flowers

So, you can see that there are still lots of flowers ad more on the way.

I have been busy collecting seed of many of the bi-annuals and annual seeds for sowing as soon as the beds are cleared and ready to go. Note to self. Be more organized at spring planting time so it all works out in the fall for next springs planting….oh to be so organized.

Jager heard that I was going to be doing some new planting so he thought that he would help by getting the area ready for me… or getting rid of the established rodents for me. Whatever. He was working hard for me I am sure.

But IO was helping! Really I was.

I still have plenty of flowers available, if you don’t remember where I am, just look for the sign.

Look for me. I am ready to welcome you all

The flower season isn’t over for hopefully another month. (Fingers Crossed), and there are still lots of lovely blooms to choose from and more on the way. I always look forward to seeing you all.

One note to note. Tuesday hours are now from 2-5. It is getting too dark to see the colors well. So to recap the shed hours. Tuesday 2-5, Fridays from 9-2. If you have special orders that can be accommodated (or whatever) with notice it can be done.

So that is all for now, and as you read this you will see how much I need Steve. And if you don’t get this posting, you will really see why I need Steve. May he be having the best time in Greenland, and help you all for reading this.

Until nest week. Allie

And the Flowers Keep Coming

Here we are at nearly the middle of September, it still feels like summer some days but the nights are certainly cooling down and the days are certainly getting shorter. I know, I know, the daylight length is getting shorter, not the days. Details. I can tell that it is changing, I am starting to pull the flowers that are done, some are getting a trim in hope that I will have fresh flowers into mid October, some flowers like the dahlias are coming into their own and are looking bold and beautiful.

The mornings are damp, if not wet, with dew which makes flower harvesting challenging before I leave for my other jobs. I need to let them dry before they go into the cooler so they don’t rot and get moldy, and some mornings that can be very difficult. If it is cool I will harvest and leave them in their buckets to hydrate and then put them away when I get home. Some flowers and foliage don’t like being damp and chilly and they will start to pout, but the dahlias just keep on coming in strong.

What else is starting to come in are the chrysanthemums. This is an experiment for me. I am trying to grow some heirloom varieties this year, seeing if I can do it and give you flowers longer in the season, but honestly, I am getting “end of the season” flower burnout. I will see how they do, how much more work they will be and most of all how well they will be received by you my flower people and go from there.

It is good to see them showing color right now. Possibly flowers for Friday. We will see.

Last week’s 2″ of rain was a blessing. That and having fixed the filter on the irrigation system. The water actually flows now. Everything has been reboosted and is so much happier and that is what I want, happy flowers.

Buckets of flowers are still being harvested, I have plenty for you to choose from so you can create your own masterpiece, we can create a masterpiece together or you can just grab and go.

Steve is going to be away the next two weeks on an amazing photoshoot so your visits to the flower farm will be more welcome and necessary so I don’t go crazier? That also being said, he won’t be here to edit me or do the welcome as he has been doing. This will be interesting. I have to learn how to send these posts…

Until next week, (if everything works out on posting the blog). Flower on! Allie

Rumor has it…it’s gonna rain!

Happy Labor Day weekend all. We all had a relaxing two days at the lake, and are now home, scurrying around checking the gardens, and I will harvesting shortly because they say…we are to get some rain, and not just .1″ or .2″ but it sounds like a two day soaker and I can not be more excited. I never believe what the meteorologist say but I am keeping my fingers crossed. The flowers will just love a beautiful soaking rain as much as I will. Much better than well water, this will give them a delicious wash and boost.

I must say that the flowers are doing quite well despite all the weather or non-weather they have had this year. From the extreme temperatures that really wilted the flower grower last Tuesday, to just the dryness of it all. The mulch certainly helps keeping the moisture in, the drip irrigation is getting the water to where we need it, to the roots, and it works even better now that we cleaned the filter and water is now flowing through the main line. It is amazing how much better the water flows when the filter has been cleaned. I only hope that it was dirty because we have never cleaned it, and not that we are pulling water from so deep we are pulling up silt to plug the filter. I will just think positive thoughts about my well.

I have gone and done it. I know that I shouldn’t have, but I have ordered eight more peony roots to grow on for cut flowers. They are stunners in my book. Technically I shouldn’t harvest their flowers for five years so the plant builds up mass and strength, but I will wait for two years because if I wait for five it would sorta be like why? I should be retiring in another few years. I am very excited about them, the space is being prepped now for their arrival in October, along with everything else that will be arriving in October. It is going to be a VERY busy month. Peony planting, but that is only eight, 5000 tulips, garden cut back, digging up dahlias and getting them ready for storage, taking up the beds and getting them ready for spring and so much more, and more. At least it keeps me out of mischief right?

As you can see, I still have plenty of flowers to chose from. Pick up a pre-made, create your own, or have me create a masterpiece? for you.

If there are flower stems that are too short to sell, or are slightly damaged, I put in the shed door hanging pot. It is really fun because they are all misfits and to try to make something from a bunch of misfits can sometimes be a challenge, but one that I enjoy. So here is Fridays door arrangement. Kinda fun I think. But, my feeling is, it is fun, it makes me happy, I am not entering a contest and it make ME happy.

It makes ME smile

I am going to go harvest, Steve will make me sound literate, and I will be back next Sunday. Flowers Rock!

August 28. Only a few days left…

Only three days left in the month of August. August, the hardest month of my flower growing year. Almost…over. I find August always hard. The light really starts to change, not that that is a bad thing because I think the colors of the flowers glow more because the sun is lower in the sky, and I am allowing myself to stay in bed till 5:30 which is a treat, but the insect pressure is greater, the dryness is particularly difficult, and my body is just plain weary. But then I get huge a huge uplift looking at the flowers that I am harvesting and your excitement over the flowers that I have, and that just makes it all so worthwhile.

Last Fridays flower offering. Look at those colors and the variety! Not bad I say.

Things are still busy here at the farm. Besides doing my daily rain dance, (to no avail) I am still busy watering, thank god for drip irrigation and lots of mulch; fertilizing weekly, weeding still and harvesting. Never a dull moment. The cover crop in the garden has been mowed

Mown cover crop

and it will die down during the winter adding biomass to the garden.

Like every fall, this is when I assess what will happen next year in the flower garden. So far, I know what will be leaving. Sunflowers will be way reduced in numbers. More perennials will be added, fewer cosmos. Actually it isn’t that I will be eliminating either sunflowers and cosmos completely, it is just that they will be planted on the sides where the narcissus are because the bees just love them, and if I need to cut a stem I can, but they won’t be taking up flower space. The rest of the flowers and their numbers will probably stay. I might be getting too old to plant more peonies but I just can’t resist. In the new empty space I thought I would do pumpkins and gourds again. They were loved by all when I did them a few years back, but all things are up for change, but that is where my mind is going now. Any thoughts and or suggestions?

If you could walk through the garden with me in the evenings you would be able to hear how alive the garden is right now. The garden is just humming with bees, if you could only see the bees on this sedum. It was quivering, and if you know sedum, you would know it takes a lot to make it quiver because the stems are so think and succulent.

Quivering sedum. I count 4, can you find them?

The finches, sparrows and chickadees are all taking the seeds from the unpicked sunflower heads and the gone to seed cosmos. See why I want to plant them on the verges of the garden? And the butterflies just add more amazing living color to the mix. It is truly and amazing thing to see and hear.

I am trying my hand at drying flowers this year. Nothing fancy, but I hope to be able to give each of you, my regular people, a small posy at the end of the season to keep you excited about the next season. That and I thought I would try my hand at wreath making this winter. It has been a long time since I have done them, but what the heck. So stay tuned as they say. I could have some very interesting ones. Very me.

Drying flowers for future use.

I will hand this off to Steve now for editing, (checking my spelling and that I don’t have too many run on sentences) and then he, not me, writes the little ditty at the beginning of the email, that send all you so gleefully to the blog. I just thought I should give him credit for that entertainment.

Until next week. Allie

Table arrangement.