This is It!

What? What do you mean? Well, this is the last week that the flower shed will be open until next February, mid February more than likely. Yes, The flower is shutting its wonky doors for the rest of the season. I know, we haven’t had a freeze yet, or even a frost, but Steve and I are off for a well needed vacation. So. If you want flowers, may I suggest stopping by this Tuesday afternoon or Friday?

It will be hard to leave the farm at this time of year, with so much to do, and there is lots to do yet, but I know it will all be waiting for me in some way or another when we return. I have received some of the bulbs that I am forcing so I will get those crated up and into the cooler, others will be planted out into the garden. What rows are done or aren’t producing enough will be cut back, netting pulled irrigation pulled…the rest, well hopefully November will have good weather to get everything else done. The big delivery of tulips doesn’t arrive until we return, which is good.

I got an email from my bulb rep this weekend. This is the fourth year of bad tulip production in Holland. It will be interesting to see what I get. Will I get my entire order?, will they make interesting substitutions? Only time will tell, and I will keep you in suspense until I know.

The garden was looking really good last week, so before I did a big harvest, I asked Steve to send the drone up. So here you go, the September garden from above. It’s interesting how the blue weed buckets and hoses stand out.

I think it’s kinda cool to see from above and not straight on like I normally do. The only intense color you get from this view are the marigolds, amaranth, mahogany splendor and the black plastic.

Next up is last weeks #windowframethursday. I just love these big dahlias in this.

This bouquet also includes yellow marigolds, artemesia, feather celosia, yarrow and tree yellow roses from the garden.

It is funny how flowers resonate. The past few years I have grown the big dinner plate dahlias, you know, the ones that all the floral people and brides want, but I just couldn’t get them to work in bouquets. One, they damage quickly, two, the scale was way off and three, they don’t last nearly as long as the ball shapes do. So I got rid of all of them except this honk’n yellow one. My mistake. I am going to go back to growing a handful of different dinner plates, or slightly smaller just for you flower lovers. They won’t be added to bouquets. You can just buy them by the stem to enjoy. That being said, maybe I need two hand fulls of different dahlia tubers. As soon as I get off of here I am going to purchase some for next year.

You all know that we will be away for most of October. I won’t be taking my laptop, so there won’t be a blog going out until we return. If you want to follow our trip Steve will be posting on instagram @swpope134. I might be posting if it is flower related but Steve will be doing cool trip stuff daily I am sure.

If I don’t see you this week, have a great October, and I will be back in November to regale you with all the flower farm happenings, and there will be plenty I am sure. I also want to thank all of you who have bought flowers throughout the year, and supported me via emails from far away. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. All these flowers are grown from my heart.

Until next time, Allie. I dream of flowers, do you?

Welcome Fall!

It is hard to believe that fall has arrived today. The end of the season is within sight. For us at Lottarock it will be a little earlier than the normal time this year, The flower shed closes on Oct 4 so get your beautiful fresh flowers while you can. Only four more open shed days remaining.

Just because the flower shed will be closing doesn’t mean that the farming is ending. After Steve and I take a well needed vacation, the panic will be on to get everything done before winter sets in. My mind is already racing with what will have to get accomplished as soon as we arrive home.

My first big action is tulips. I have already washed fifty two crates that the tulips will be forced in. I did that on our last sunny and warm day last week. I figured if I had to play in water might as well do when the weather is beautiful.

The tulips are to arrive, I hope, the week after we return, which will give me a bit of breathing room to get all of the dahlias dug, cured and stored in the cooler before the tulips go in. After that, tulips are planted in the crates, along with the narcissus and hyacinths. After that, the remaining tulips go into the ground and the time and temperature sensitive jobs are done. Then clean up of the garden can happen. Netting taken off and stored, plants mowed to the ground, weed mat taken up and labeled. Irrigation taken up and labeled. Phew. My goal is to get it all done before Thanksgiving. I am hoping for good weather. If the weather cooperates, then I will get the beds mulched and prepped for the early spring crops.

I had another wagon load of flowers go out on Thursday for a wedding on Friday. It was Hancock centric, the bride grew up in Hancock, the floral creator grew up in Hancock, and the flowers were grown in Hancock. I think that is really cool.

Molly’s wedding flowers

The flowers are still going gang busters and the colors are just getting better. Below is last week’s creation I did for my #windowframethursday. I had plenty of flowers to play with so play I did. I used chicken wire in the vessel to hold the flowers in place.

Sedum, dahlias, zinnias, amaranth, cosmos, dusty miller and salvia.

Remember, only two more weeks of open flower shed. Last one will be Oct 4. After that, no more flowers until mid February if all goes according to plan. And you know how those best laid plans workout sometimes.

Until next week. Allie. I dream of flowers, do you?

It’s mid September and the countdown begins!

Let me start with wow, was last week one for my record books. Let’s start with the fun stuff, the weather. I have to say this weather pattern we are in now is absolutely amazing. Beautiful sunny warm days and the nights cooling off so sleeping is just lovely. I do wish it would rain though. I am watering like crazy.

The cutting garden is getting watered just about every day right now, it is so dry, with slight breezes and no humidity so the water just disappears. The remote plants, of which there are many, and even more now with last week’s shopping trip all have to be watered, especially the new plants and the ones that have been dug up and divided. So out comes my remote watering system.

It works like this. I hook up the tractor to the wagon holding the smaller tank. I need to do this before I fill the tank otherwise I can’t budge it to get it hooked up. Then the pump in the large tank gets turned on and I fill the little tank. Once that is full, off I go and drive around to the remote plantings for their watering. On the top of the little tank is a battery operated pump that then pumps the water out of the little tank and out through the hose. (in the foreground of the right photo). I keep a slew of batteries charged because 1 1/2 tanks is one full battery, and to water everything well it is two tanks. If I have to fill the donkey water tank, then it is three tanks of water and another full battery. It is a pretty slick little system, I have to say.

I did flower buckets for a wedding last Friday. Just two buckets of flowers which is about 100 stems, no problem, yellow is the brides favorite color, hmmm, I can do that…Then I was asked if I would do the bridal bouquet and two smaller ones for the girls. I don’t normally do bridal bouquets because of the stress involved, and believe me there is stress. But I agreed because it is my farrier’s mother and a “low key” wedding. Now, do I have enough flowers? I figure another 125 plus stems. Well I did it, and here they are.

The best news is the bride texted me and said she LOVED the flowers. Phew.

I have another big order of flowers going out for a wedding this week coming, Friday actually, but this is just buckets of flowers, color scheme is silver, white and green. Don’t worry, there will still be plenty of flowers for you my flower lovers.

I am starting the weekly reminder now. The last open flower shed will be Oct 4. then we will be closed for the remaining part of the year. I will continue to remind everyone on the blog and in the newsletter. Until then, there will be plenty of flowers for you all to enjoy.

Have a fabulous week all. I will certainly be out in the gardens enjoying is, dragging my hose behind me.

Until next week, Allie. I dream of flowers, do you?

What a Beautiful Week!

Wow, I have to say this first week of September has been stunning. Beautiful temperatures to garden in, even better temperatures for sleeping in, but I digress. The summer flowers are still doing well, but they are missing the summer heat that they love. The colors are so intense, though with the cooler temperatures how can I complain?

Last weeks harvest wagon. Just look at those colors

Despite all my best intentions to not get the garden any bigger….and I am not, really…I went plant shopping today. I was needing more varieties of hydrangeas, and it is the end of the season sale time soooo I picked up 4 more hydrangeas, one can never have enough at this time of year, and a handful of perennials. A fellow flower farmer is selling her property so I might be getting some of her stock which would be really exciting. Think of the time I would save. Keep your fingers crossed. As you know, my goal as I age is to plant more perennials and fewer annuals which are a lot more work than perennials. Have to think smarter these days.

Now I have no idea where these are going to go but…

I placed my supplemental bulb order last week, so besides the tulips, at some point hyacinths and narcissus will be joining the lineup. They should be available early to mid March if I have done my math correctly.

The biggest flower news is that Friday Oct 4 will be last day that the flower shed will be open for the year. I know, I know, a few weeks earlier than normal, but Steve and I will be jetting off on a well deserved and needed holiday hence the shed closing. I will continues to remind you. Only four more weeks of flowers so get them and enjoy them while you can. If all goes to plan, the shed will reopen mid February 2025.

That is about all for now. I have to go put another jumper on, it’s cold out here! I leave you with two photos, a jar of dahlias and last weeks #.

Until next week, Allie. I dream of flowers, do you?

Happy September!

It is hard to believe that it is already September, but what a glorious first day it is. I hope it stays this way for a while.

We had another exciting “weather event” early in the week. Last Monday if I remember correctly. We had another hail storm. Not quite as bad for us as the one earlier in the month, but certainly memorable. We had an inch of rain in about 45 minutes, and lots of thunder and lightening. How is that, two hail storm bookending the month of August. All the flowers survived, thankfully. My hostas and ligularia on the other had look like they were hit with a shotgun numerous time. Actually, they were. At the beginning of the month and at the end of the month.

In my sleepless moments I am now planning the ranunculus, anemone, little narcissus and hyacinths in my brain. Do I try a few hundred narcissus to force to go along with the tulips? Do I add hyacinths to the mix? Is the dirty room able to handle all the extra? It would be extra crates every few weeks. Hmmm, will have to have a few more sleepless nights and feedback from all of you. Would you be interested in a larger selection of flowers for those cold dark late winter thru spring days?

It is nice not to have the scorching hot summer days now. I like it and the flowers certainly like it. I am also not having to water as much now which is really nice. My well says thank you.

Most of the flowers are still looking good, as they should. The dahlias I am able to harvest enough to keep you all happy, the peacock orchids are starting up thankfully, the zinnias are still going strong, and the chrysanthemums are setting flower buds. All good for this flower grower.

We were taking the dogs for a walk the other day, and look what was growing out of my compost pile. Talk about determination.

a determined dahlia

I haven’t got much else to say this week, so you can enjoy the remainder of your holiday weekend. I will leave you with the photo of last weeks #windowframethursday to keep you inspired.


So until next week, Allie. We finally got internet so I am back now to dreaming of flowers. How lucky am I?

Another week, another weather pattern

Well if last week was the week of the drearys, then this week was autumn. One week hot and humid and dreary, this past week was chilly in the mornings and lovely during the days. Jeans were needed as were the wool work sweaters. This week I think it is going to be a combination of the two, cool nights, perfect for sleeping, and warm days so swimming will be possible along with garden work.

I will say that the cooler temperatures certainly got me thinking about the end of the growing season, taking notes of what went on this year and planning for next year. Oh yes, I am already thinking of next year…what to grow, what not to grow and the amounts to grow. More of that in the future posts. I want to keep you hanging in floral suspense.

I can’t believe that the next blog posting will be in September, where on earth has the growing season gone? It started with tulips in mid February and here we are, still going. To be honest, I am ready for the season to wind down, even though that still really doesn’t happen until the end of November for me. Tulips this year are getting delivered in November, dahlias will have to get dug and stored. Beds have to be put away of this year’s crops and some prepped for very early planting next spring. A flower farmer’s life is rarely done, always moving on to the next season six months if not more before it actually happens.

But enough of that, the flowers are looking good and the selection is still great. Due to my one armed spring, and the challenges of of pests I don’t have the numbers of flowers that I had wanted, but I haven’t run out of flowers so that is good. The dahlias, zinnias, celosia are all looking good, the snapdragons have been pulled and are done for the season, the chrysanthemums are starting to form little flower buds…the moles are still dining on everything they can….argh.

I don’t have many flower photos this week for your enjoyment, just one of the instagram #windowframthursday. I call this dark and gloomy. Like the weather we had been having.

dark and gloomy

I am going to go off for a swim, and Steve will regale you with his little ditty.

Till next week. Allie, I dream of flowers and getting internet.

A Dreary Sunday

It is dreary today day, or even this weekend, but that is OK with me. I am enjoying the joys of reading and not much more knowing that when the week returns tomorrow I will be busy in the gardens weeding and getting wood chips on the paths, harvesting and all the flower stuff.

Before I forget to tell you, we have no internet. It has been a pure mess since we changed going from a business internet to residential to get ready for the hopefully pleasure of Fidium. We have absolutely no idea when we will be hooked up, last Tuesday is long under the internet bridge. I will do my best to get the newsletters out but I am making no guarantee. I have to do it either at my brother’s next door or at the library, both inconvenient but doable. Just assume the flower shed will be open on its normal hours. I can be reached by text…just a stink’n bummer. Luckily I have high speed at the lake so the Sunday blogs will still be out to entertain you.

Amazingly I haven’t taken many flower photos to share this week. I do have my #windowframethursday photos to share but that is about it.

Hydrangea, celosia, zinnias, orach, yarrow and dianthus from the high tunnel that hasn’t died from thirst amazingly enough.

So I will leave you for the week now. Remember that the flower shed will be open Tuesday afternoon from 2-5 and Friday from 9-2 even if I don’t get the newsletter out!

Until next week, Allie, I dream of flowers and having internet again….

A Week of Challenges

Last week certainly was a doozer. We had a hail storm on Monday afternoon, luckily all the flowers are fine, and I wasn’t home to see it happen because I probably would have been in a panic.

Hail on porch deck

Then at the end of the week we were told to brace ourselves for the remnants of Hurricane Debbie, so I added another layer of twine to support the dahlias and kept my fingers crossed. Luckily, we only had a half inch of rain, and lot of wind, but not to two plus inches they were warning us about. In between these events we had some good rain so I haven’t had to water all week! Our well had a week’s vacation.

The flowers are looking good. I am fretting I won’t have enough for the following week, but I seem to be getting by. The dahlias are coming in slowly. Persnikety things dahlias. They don’t like it too hot, which we have had plenty of this summer, then this past week hasn’t had lot of solar which they also don’t like. Not much I can do but be patient.

Buckets of flowers, waiting

My flower days are filled with tying up the flowers, weeding, mowing and harvesting. All necessary. Once the row is weeded I try as quickly as possible to get mulch down to try to discourage more weeds.

I did have time to do my #windowframethrusday arrangement. Not my best, but not horrible either, but here it is for your enjoyment.


I am starting to go over in my head about next year, I know more perennials for sure, but if you have any suggestions just let me know.

I had a special guest visit the garden on Saturday morning. My long distance cheering fan and mentor, Kathy G. Thank you for taking the time to visit me. It means the world to me.

Until next week, Allie. I dream of flowers, do you?

Happy August!

I hope everyone was able to stay cool this past week. I was doing flowers early in the morning in what cool we had then would sit on the porch in the afternoon under the ceiling fans reading. What a novel thing for me to do! and I was reading novels to boot, not books on how to grow better flowers! Very novel.

The flowers are looking good despite the heat and the lack of rain. I am careful with irrigating because of our well but so far so good. Last week I filled the mobile water tank three times and drove around hand watering just about everything that was put in new this year that isn’t on the watering system. That took a while, and three batteries to run the pump. Next week I will take a picture of the remote watering system which is kinda cool and one that I am very grateful for. Steve picked me up two more batteries because one battery is good only for 1 1/2 tanks of water. Each tank holds 65 gallons.

As you can see the flowers are quite floriferous. The zinnias have finally come into their own after such a terrible start. There aren’t as many as I would like, but I have them. The celosia is starting to feather, the scented geraniums are magnificent as foliage, the orach is setting very cool pods for interest, I am harvesting various perennials and am still battling rodents that are driving me crazy.

I had a snake eating a frog and I reminded said snake that we are to work together on this gardening project. You are to take care of the rodents, the frogs take care of the insects and we need to work as a team and not eat each other. Sheesh.

The dahlias are starting to bloom, slowly. They don’t like the heat and it slows them down, which is interesting because they are from Mexico. I am harvesting some, but I have lots of buds so soon, really soon I hope. I will have buckets of dahlias.

I just want to say thank you for your understanding that the flower shed was closed the last few Tuesdays. Life sometimes overrules flowers. We should be good now for the rest of the season with the shed open both Tuesday afternoons and Fridays. If you have special requests just let me know in advance so I can have things ready for you.

I haven’t done and #windowframethrusdays for a while because well, life is just not aways accommodating but finally I got one posted last week. I hope you enjoy it as much as I had fun creating it.

One last shout out to Gary who saved me once again with the website. Thank you Gary. You are my savior.

Until next week, I dream of flowers. Do you? Allie

Finally, a break in the weather

Gardening is much more pleasant this week, for a change. It is so much nicer to be dealing with the cooler temperatures, even though it is only for a few more days, it is actually nice to be out in the garden.

My biggest excitement is the house is finally finished being painted so no longer will you have to wonder where you were going to park when you come to get flowers. The driveway is open again. That is a huge yay, and I am sure they are just as happy to be out of here as well.

The flowers are going gang busters and some of the dahlias are even starting to celebrate by showing bud and soon color, and then home to you.

As you can see, just about every flower that has been planted for the summer crop is blooming. The rudbeckias, snapdragons, salvias, scented geraniums and basils for fillers, the list just keeps going on, and soon, very soon dahlias will be added to the list.

Not much new is happening on the farm so believe this, I don’t have much to say, so I am giving to give you all a break and stop here.

Remember, there is no flower shed this Tuesday, but the shed will be open on Friday and the rest of the scheduled flower days.

Until next week. Allie. I dream of flowers, do you?