And the Flowers Keep on Coming

Personally I have been enjoying the cooler temps of May. It makes working in the gardens so much more enjoyable than when the temperature are in the 70’s and above. The black flies have been doable, or maybe I should say tolerable, and it has been really pleasant. The spring flowers have been taking their time coming along which isn’t quite so good, but with this coming week’s temperature in the 80’s they will come on really fast. Maybe too fast. It is hard to keep the tulips from blowing open quickly when it is that warm, so Tuesday, the flower shed will be in my floral cave where it is cooler.

It has been a busy week here at the farm. Lots of seed sowing and transplanting. More flowers have gone out into the garden and more beds have been prepped and are waiting for planting. The garden is starting to look like a garden again rather than just long rows of dirt, I mean soil. The anemones are really starting to put on blossoms. Last week I moved them out of the greenhouse to keep them cooler along with the very slow to come ranunculus. I wonder if the ranunculus are ever going to bloom this year. Humph, maybe I added too much fertilizer when I planted them. Lots of lush green foliage but nary a flower bud in sight. At least the anemones are going strong. The plants in the tunnel are looking good, lots of self sown seedling that I am keeping some of, I look at it as the second succession. The first are the seedlings that I planted out, and second succession are the self sown ones. As long as things don’t get too crowded in there I will let it go.

The peonies are full of fat flower buds and some are even starting to show color. If it is true that it is going to be as warm as they are saying this week, I might have peonies before June this year. Won’t that be exciting?

This past Saturday was an event for Music on Norway Pond, and I was asked to do the flowers. Fifteen jam jar posies for the tables, two larger arrangements and a floral crown for the bust outside the door. This is what was created.

I think that they came out pretty well if I must say so.

There will still be tulips until the end of May, or until the peonies really kick in, then that will be the end of that season until next February. I will continue to run the tulip special until the end of the tulip season. I understand that many flower people are buying the two, and then the third they are giving as gifts, or paying it forward. I think that is very generous and let’s see if something special won’t happen on the tulips last days. Stay tuned.

I have a big crazy week coming up, so I will leave you here, with a handful of posies.

bountiful flowers

So until next week. Allie. I dream of flowers, do you?

2 Replies to “And the Flowers Keep on Coming”

  1. Stunning, stunning, stunning!! And so very exciting!! I’ll be away this week…hope to see you soooooon!

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