A Quiet Week at Lottarock

It has been a very quiet week here at the farm, not that that is a bad thing, but when one is so used to running around trying to do things, well, it’s odd to say the least.

But what I have done is map out the new growing area and everything will fit. And more. Is that a big phew, and a shopping extravaganza! Tomorrow the crabapples get ordered, and the seeds for the 2025 growing season. After that, I will just have to sit around twiddling my thumbs and eating bon bons until the first bulb crates are pulled mid January. Bummer.

Next week will be a break in the blogs until things start up again and I will have lots to share, hope that is OK with you all.

So last wek we had a hicup in posting the blog, we forgot the link so Steve reposted it. Personally I like how he did it the second time better, you everything was right there, so we will continue to do it that way if we (Steve) can remember how he did it. Hopefully he will still be able to add his ditty because I know many of you love reading that, maybe even more than what I write?

Anyway, that is all for now, I’ll be back next week. I dream of flowers, do you?, Allie

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