A New Month with New Flowers

I decided not to labor this Labor Day weekend, and instead spent the days at the lake rowing, bicycling, swimming, having lunch with flower friends and dinner with family. It turns out I was way too busy to get the blog out last night, but here I am. And you thought you had a break from me.

The flowers are bountiful and colorful. The annual asters are in full stride, as are the marigolds, zinnias, and the dahlias. Ahhh, the dahlias are outdoing themselves this year despite the rainy summer. The chrysanthemums are budding up nicely and some might even be harvested this week. The Acidanthera have started to bloom. These are related to the gladioli but so much better, they are much more subtle of a flower with a lovely perfume.

I have started a new garden bed, at least I have gotten the new row marked out and the cardboard down, that will be finished this week, because I have new plants to go in. Meanwhile the plants are sitting in the shade most of the day until they are ready for planting.

Because it is labor day, I won’t labor on, but will leave you with a bunch of images from the past week. Enjoy.

Window Frame Thursday
Garden in the mist

Until next week. Allie

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