A Merry Christmas Surprise

The flower shed encased in Christmas ice

I know, I wasn’t going to do a blog this week, but Surprise, here I am. It has been quite a week. The long awaited 5c tulips arrived. Yay!

I emailed the tulip broker on Monday or Tuesday morning and he sent the tracking number on to me to say that they were ready to go. They were supposed to be delivered on Wednesday by the end of the day, but no, three of the four boxes arrived Thursday morning. The driver knew absolutely nothing about a fourth box. The next Fed Ex driver that drove in about an hour later said that he was only express and it wasn’t his problem. I will say that he did say it nicely though. Onwards we go though, so Steve and I and an elf got 1500 tulips planted, watered in, labeled and put in the bulb room which we had hooked up via an extension cord to run the temperature controls. Record time for a bunch of newbies. It took us about 2 hours all up. Once we figured out the learning curve of course.

From left to right, bulbs going into crates, bulbs waiting to be planted, and in the back crates filled. Boy was the back of the truck an icy mess by the time all was said and done.

Friday morning, yes, Christmas Eve day the fourth box arrives and Steve and I get it planted in about an hour and set into its new space. So here we go. Bulbs are now safely in the cooler, temperatures set at 45 degrees for about four weeks of rooting, then, I can bring them out and grow them on, so if all goes to plan, and we know how well those work, I should start having tulips ready for you all before the end of February. I would love to say by Valentines Day but seeing this is year one, I am giving myself a little leeway.

I hope you all had a safe and fun filled holiday, and I will be back again after the new year.


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