Welcome March
We seem to back to winter this weekend, bitterly cold temperatures and wind but warmer temps and rain are on the way. To be honest, I am ready for mud rather than snow and ice. I have enjoyed the winter with snowshoeing and ‘Spare Time” but it is time to move on, bring on the mud and frost heaves.
Tulip crate hauling and tetris continues, I have I think five more weeks of tulips in the cooler yet to come out, three more crates of narcissus and a crate of hyacinths and random muscari so there will be plenty of spring until the real deal spring happens.
The ranunuclus have been soaked and are in the sprouting trays and as soon as I see green they will be transplanted into the greenhouse in tulip crates. The anemones have been soaked and are not waiting to be sprouted, but are in a crate already. I thought I had more corms but damned if I can find them so it will be what it will be for anemones this spring. By mid March I expect that the greenhouse will be full, and I will be prepping the tunnel for the next crop of spring plantings. Seeding continues for the cool flowers but soon, well in a month, the summer flowers will be starting. Time is flying by quickly.
Last Friday was the first open flower shed day that I wasn’t hauling flower buckets down to the shed every time one of you lovely flower people showed up. It turned out to be a beautiful day. After each bucket was loaded I put them on the veranda railing to keep them cool and out of the way until the shed opens, and what happen, a snow squall! but they were fine, Steve and I got them down in the shed for the open shed. It certainly is nice to have them all in one place.

Hopefully on Fridays going forward the days will be warm enough, but not too warm to keep the flowers in the shed.
I look forward to sunny and warmer days…I am leaving you with two photos…

Allie. I dream of flowers, do you?