Happy September!

It is hard to believe that it is already September, but what a glorious first day it is. I hope it stays this way for a while.

We had another exciting “weather event” early in the week. Last Monday if I remember correctly. We had another hail storm. Not quite as bad for us as the one earlier in the month, but certainly memorable. We had an inch of rain in about 45 minutes, and lots of thunder and lightening. How is that, two hail storm bookending the month of August. All the flowers survived, thankfully. My hostas and ligularia on the other had look like they were hit with a shotgun numerous time. Actually, they were. At the beginning of the month and at the end of the month.

In my sleepless moments I am now planning the ranunculus, anemone, little narcissus and hyacinths in my brain. Do I try a few hundred narcissus to force to go along with the tulips? Do I add hyacinths to the mix? Is the dirty room able to handle all the extra? It would be extra crates every few weeks. Hmmm, will have to have a few more sleepless nights and feedback from all of you. Would you be interested in a larger selection of flowers for those cold dark late winter thru spring days?

It is nice not to have the scorching hot summer days now. I like it and the flowers certainly like it. I am also not having to water as much now which is really nice. My well says thank you.

Most of the flowers are still looking good, as they should. The dahlias I am able to harvest enough to keep you all happy, the peacock orchids are starting up thankfully, the zinnias are still going strong, and the chrysanthemums are setting flower buds. All good for this flower grower.

We were taking the dogs for a walk the other day, and look what was growing out of my compost pile. Talk about determination.

a determined dahlia

I haven’t got much else to say this week, so you can enjoy the remainder of your holiday weekend. I will leave you with the photo of last weeks #windowframethursday to keep you inspired.


So until next week, Allie. We finally got internet so I am back now to dreaming of flowers. How lucky am I?

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