Welcome June!

And welcome new flowers. Tis the end of the tulip season. My goodness you all certainly showed your love for tulips this year. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. My best year yet. Hopefully you will like next year’s tulips just as much, because the order has been placed.

Things are progressing on the planting end. All of the dahlias are in, all 200? of them? It seems like a lot of them but we all seem to love them at the end of the summer for their vibrant colors and shapes. This week is the big push to get the rest of the summer annuals in. It seems as though I have a slug problem and they are eating every bit of soft plant tissue. I hate slugs, the slimy gross disgusting things they are. I will take a snake any day. Speaking of snakes, I have one living under the weed mat in the garden, he certainly won’t go hungry with all the moles I seem to have, but getting back to slugs… I thought marigolds are resistant to just about everything except Japanese beetles, but may dear, the marigolds have been stripped to just stems. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the root systems are strong enough to support fresh growth, otherwise another sowing will have to happen and that might be pushing it. I might be putting out beer slug traps throughout the garden to trap the buggers.

I have been slowly harvesting peonies. My first harvest is Red Charm.

A deep beautiful red

I suspect that with the warm temps that we are to have this week I will be harvesting peonies about three times a day. I have also just started the Itoh Canary Brilliants which is that lovely yellow. Oh yes, it’s peony time. If you want a special quantity, variety or color you might want to let me know so I can have them ready for you. I have a bunch on hold for a wedding at the end of the month, but if you have a big event or birthday coming up and you want peonies better let me know. Just shoot me an email.

There are more flowers to be had than just peonies, just so you know. The anemones are going strong, the ranunculus are finally rolling in, the little phlox are getting harvested as well as some of the dianthus. Lots of buds showing, so things are looking promising. This is this morning’s harvest from the back garden.

Color! Oh my!

It has been a fun week. I had a big order of flower go out yesterday which is always exciting.

End of the tulips, and lots of spring flowers going out for an order.

I actually got to do my #windowframethursday this last week. As much as I try, that Instagram post doesn’t always happen, but this time it did. I had lots of fun with this, playing with colors and texture. I won’t show you today’s photo, but it still looks good, the flower cave is a great space to hold flowers this time of year.

I opened up the petals of the tulips to give them a bit more wow factor and so you can see the inside of the tulips. Also with geum and golden mockorange.

So, I guess that is about all the news I have today. As always I look forward to seeing you at the flower shed on open days. Also, I don’t want you to forget that I will be at the DubHub pop up next Saturday from 10-4, or until I sell out. Fingers crossed. There are going to be a lot of amazing artists there so do come along and say hi. (and shop!)

I’m the goofy one in the bottom right holding flowers.

So until next, keep dreaming of flowers, cause I do. Allie

2 Replies to “Welcome June!”

  1. Not sure if my previous message went through.

    On Tuesday can I pick up “ some flowers to arrange” for a Garden Club of Dublin workshop
    About using sustainable materials prior to 10:00am?

    Cheers, Ann

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