Another week, another weather pattern

Well if last week was the week of the drearys, then this week was autumn. One week hot and humid and dreary, this past week was chilly in the mornings and lovely during the days. Jeans were needed as were the wool work sweaters. This week I think it is going to be a combination of the two, cool nights, perfect for sleeping, and warm days so swimming will be possible along with garden work.

I will say that the cooler temperatures certainly got me thinking about the end of the growing season, taking notes of what went on this year and planning for next year. Oh yes, I am already thinking of next year…what to grow, what not to grow and the amounts to grow. More of that in the future posts. I want to keep you hanging in floral suspense.

I can’t believe that the next blog posting will be in September, where on earth has the growing season gone? It started with tulips in mid February and here we are, still going. To be honest, I am ready for the season to wind down, even though that still really doesn’t happen until the end of November for me. Tulips this year are getting delivered in November, dahlias will have to get dug and stored. Beds have to be put away of this year’s crops and some prepped for very early planting next spring. A flower farmer’s life is rarely done, always moving on to the next season six months if not more before it actually happens.

But enough of that, the flowers are looking good and the selection is still great. Due to my one armed spring, and the challenges of of pests I don’t have the numbers of flowers that I had wanted, but I haven’t run out of flowers so that is good. The dahlias, zinnias, celosia are all looking good, the snapdragons have been pulled and are done for the season, the chrysanthemums are starting to form little flower buds…the moles are still dining on everything they can….argh.

I don’t have many flower photos this week for your enjoyment, just one of the instagram #windowframthursday. I call this dark and gloomy. Like the weather we had been having.

dark and gloomy

I am going to go off for a swim, and Steve will regale you with his little ditty.

Till next week. Allie, I dream of flowers and getting internet.