I don’t know which is more stressful, getting everything into the garden in the spring, or getting everything out of the garden in the fall? Tuesday is Nov 1st, and I have until Nov 23rd to get everything wrapped up for the season. Can I do it? The challenge is on for sure.
This week was a busy one. We have had two good freezes, so the gardens, except for the mums and the still going strong cup and saucer vine, are done for the year. Now the disassembly begins. Plants cut back, Hortnova removed, folded,(kinda) put in its own bag and labeled. Learning curve. Weed mat taken up, neatly folded and labeled what side it fits on and the spacing of the holes. Drip irrigation rolled up, and now that I have this wicked cool wire spinner it is much easier. They are also labeled and stowed away until spring. I still have many beds yet to go because in the meantime….
I have been making bouquets. Very exciting.

All off to a special dinner party!
When I haven’t been making bouquets, the dahlia tubers have been lifted making sure all the correct labels are with them, letting them sit in the sun for the day, then putting them in bulb crates and into the back of the flower space under the garage protected from the cold (I hope) until I can get them ready for storage for the winter. For some silly reason, that act of putting the tubers in the crates makes me feel like a real flower farmer. Crazy I know.

Then on Friday six more bouquets, the last of the season. Bittersweet. Happy, yet sad.

Dahlia tubers can wait, flower bouquets are done, now on to TULIPS! Steve has been making me, fingers crossed rodent proof tulip boxes.

The dogs and I have been filling them for spring delights. You can only imagine how that is going.

What a busy flower farmer week it has been. 1750 tulips in, about the same yet to go. Then back to dahlia winter storage, then back to putting the rest of the garden away. Can I do it? Can I get it all done by Nov. 23rd? Only time will tell. Then. I get a two month rest. I think. I hope.
Until next week. Allie