It is hard to believe that the next post I will do will be in October. Wow. My darling editor is hopefully on his way to Iceland and not still stuck in Greenland. Hurricane Fiona bolloxed this up so this mean that you will have to put up with all my grammatical errors again. I printed the notes that my friend in NY sent me so hopefully I will get this posted on the first try. Fingers crossed.
There are still flowers, they are coming on more slowly now so pay attention to the newsletter for what is happening as far as open hours will go. Remember that Tuesdays are now 2-5, and Fridays are still 9-2. The dahlias are still setting bud, the zinnias are looking good, peacock orchid, amaranth and chrysanthemums are starting to come in, but at this point weather dictates all. When doesn’t weather dictate a flower farmers life, but a hard frost will signal the end.

While I still have beautiful blooms, clean up has begun. The last of the sunflowers were cut down and given to my clean up crew.

So the annuals that are done are cut down and sent to the compost pile. The drip lines are pulled, wrapped up and this year labeled so I know where they go next spring. don’t want a repeat of this spring, and since each of the beds on the left side are all different lengths this is critical. It’s sad to see it all ending, but a relief as well.
The dogs are clammering for their dinner so I will leave it here. Remember any up to date changes will be sent out on the newsletter….and I will be back next week, with my editor.!