We finally have had a killing frost, or as flower growers call it ‘frostmass’. Even though I had already cut down most of the cutting garden, it is good to have the freeze officially here. As they say, better late than never. The dahlias in the high tunnel are still looking good, but not enough for all of you flower lovers. Just enough for me to enjoy, and believe me I am.
Since my last posting things have still been busy here at the Rock. There is so much to do, sometimes I feel as though I am losing direction but things are getting done. In the gardens, that one row that hasn’t been cut down yet is still standing although not nearly as proudly as it was last week. It is a little black around the edges, so hopefully this week it will be cut down like the rest of the flowers. The dahlias have been cut back, labeled and dug so now if I need anything beyond the first two feet in the tool shed I am out of luck until I get the tubers sorted and stored. That is on my list for this week. At some point, but I have more pressing things to happen first.

The most pressing task happening now is getting the first batch of tulips planted. They have been patiently waiting in their boxes on the screen porch waiting for this moment. Friday, the first few boxes were planted. Don’t ask me how many, I can only tell you that I have only 1200 left to go into the ground this week coming. Two thirds down, one third to go. I got an email from the other bulb supplier the other day, the sad news is that one variety isn’t available due to a crop failure, and I am shorted another variety, so I will only have about 2500 tulips to force when they come in in December. I am sad, but also somewhat relieved because I am having a hell-of-a-time sourcing bulb crates to force them in. If anyone knows of a source of black bulb crates like this snag them for me please! I am desperate!

Meanwhile, I have been getting next year’s seed order together, complete with some interesting things to try. Some that I grew this past year won’t be grown again, which gives me room to try some new cutting varieties this year coming. Spring is coming and I have to be ready for you my flower people.
So. If you have been worried that I would have too much time on my hands now that most of the gardens have been cut down for the season, rest assured, I still have plenty to do to keep me out of mischief.
Until next week. Allie