Wow, what a roller coaster weather week this past week has been. Wednesday topping out at 88 degrees and high humidity, to a front out of Canada that dropped the temperatures as well as trees. And as I write this we have the wood stove going because the temperatures haven’t gotten above 45 in the last three days, it is windy and it is finally raining. Our lowest night temperatures these last few days have been 40 degrees, much better than the frost and freeze warnings they were getting a bit further up north. Hallelujah. With the rain we are slowly catching up on our rain deficit and the rain tanks are nearly full. Yay! It has been a weird spring.
My big plans for the weekend have been squashed by the weather, I thought it was just too wet and cold to be out in the gardens planting dahlias and the really cold sensitive plants so they are all waiting on deck to be planted on Tuesday when it is a bit warmer and drier. Just have to get these in and then everything is in and starting to grow.
So the big question is when are bunches of flowers going to be available again. I am hoping that the peonies will start coming in soon, then we will be a go again. They are getting close, but not close enough to harvest. Believe you me, you will be the first to know. We are all being impatient at this point. At least I am.
There will be not an open flower shed at Lottarock this week. I don’t have enough flowers for you all to make the trip, and Friday June 4 we will be away attending a memorial service for Steve’s Uncle Fred who sadly passed away a year ago March. The following week we should be ready to rock and roll again.
I leave you with an image of what is to come. And until next time. Allie